I'll try to give this one a shot. On the second picture, the characters on the lower edge should tell the date. You have to read the legend from right to left. The two on the right show what emperor we're looking at. In this case, it's Yoshi
--deleted--o, who ruled from 1912 to 1926. The next character is a numeric 10. With some emperors who ruled a long time, there might be an additional character, or multiplier, between the ruler and the 10. For example, a coin minted in the 40th year of rule would have a 4 character between the ruler and the 10(4x10=40). In this case, there is no additional character so we go with the year 10. The next character to the left is a 5. This character is added to the prior total giving us 15(10+5=15). The last character simply means "year". What this tells us is that this coin was minted in the 15th year of the reign of emperor Yoshi
--deleted--o, or 1926. Hope this helps.
When I reviewed my post, I see the Auto-editor is doing a fine job and removing what it believes to be a curse word in the middle of the emperor's name. Maybe the tolerance level should be raised a bit?