DeadElvis wrote:
> If it's a melting vessel, maybe to hold it above a fire or coals with a chain,
> or a grab-on point for tongs or a claw type lifter? Just guessing on my part.
> It seems to have a "V" or recessed area for pouring?
Your post arrived in the forum while I was typing mine (above). I know you said you were "just guessing" ...but I can confirm that it is not a melting vessel. Here's a photo of one of the 4-hole hollow steel mystery-balls. It was seized by the police because they thought it was an explosive cannonball. They took it to an Explosive Ordnance Disposal team, who put shaped-charges on it to destroy it. The photo shows the result.
I'll also include a photo of the tubes-arranged-in-a-cross-pattern which came from another 4-hole steel mystery-ball that was destroyed by the police on another ocasion. (It is not from the ball in the other photo.)
Perhaps somebody here will recognize these 20th-Century steel mystery-balls and tell us the actual identity.