Help me identefy this piece

Oct 2, 2013
image-3195043132.png image-3251885873.png When I first found this piece around 6yrs ago in north central Missouri it was a hole item now after my carelessness it's missing a chunk... It has 4 of them V-shapes in equal places around the item... Plz help I'm stumped

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Is the black piece in the center part of the piece? I think it's too small to be a weight for a spear shaft. Not really sure. Cool piece.

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Whatever the two things are they look natural.
You really need better photos.
Front back..and centered.

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Is the black piece in the center part of the piece? I think it's too small to be a weight for a spear shaft. Not really sure. Cool piece.

All in all it's about the size of a American half dollar flint is black at about 1/4" thick an 1 inch tall. Perfect cylinder shape, the white line that goes all the way around has a marking that is ither a V or it's upside down in four places like it's quartered for something the red looks to be a type of clay but in northern Missouri I'm not a wear of red clay





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World's first doughnut? Dinosaur turd? Small tire for a toy?
very we'll could be if I hadn't of found it 45 mins from population in all directions just looking for any type of known knowledge on this sort of thing

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The black thing looks like a piece of a battery core. I dont think it is NA myself but really dont know. Just looks newer to me. You have some nice points though.

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The black thing looks like a piece of a battery core. I dont think it is NA myself but really dont know. Just looks newer to me. You have some nice points though.

i agree
i was thinking part of an old battery also

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I agree that the black piece is a battery core and I think the other piece is a natural stone and could be a fossil.

Also, just a suggestion, but using your email address as your user name probably isn't a good idea unless you want to be flooded with spam emails by lurkers on sites like these.

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You all may say what you want to too disclaim my artifact but I found it and I was looking for info not disbelief in my finding so back up off my look alike funny cookie that some one made an placed for me to find an get criticized about

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I haven't been searching for a week for ur kiddy inputs on something no one has ev seen

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Thing is your getting offended by asking others opinions and not hearing what you "want" to hear. I personally have seen these before and it is a portion of the insides of an antique dry cell battery. That black piece is a portion of the carbon/graphite bar that ran top to bottom and the outside is insulator and there would be more stacked.

These came in small sizes, like yours to larger ones and usually all that is found of them are the center cores which others have already id'd for ya. Sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear but it is what it is.

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I wasn't trying to slam him just make realize what was looking like happening. From what I've seen on this site so far is that there is a lot of knowledge here and a genuine willingness to help cause we've all found pieces like this at some point in collecting and didn't know what was.

By all means this piece looks cool and ancient as could be and if I found years ago would have thought was many things other than an old battery part, I just hope we can help you out with id'ing things and not come off as making fun of you... Cause we're not, at least I'm not. I just know about these pieces personally because I took apart one of my dads antique batteries and he whipped my.... After I found out what was inside. Parts of it may still be at the old farm actually too. Saw it a few years ago and looked almost the same as the insulator part deteriorates and looks like stone or clay

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Yes I was shocked to see someone identify as a core to a battery do to the area it was found in but I'd like to thank every one for their jesters, an knowledge.... But your all right I sure thought I had something different. But now I have bad news due to the findings I have to tell the lady at home she is right it's nothing. But I reckon I don't feel so bad for it being broken so o we'll thanks an sorry for not being open minded

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I know it is hard to take the news that what you have found is not an artifact, but all artifact hunters in the first days and times have found things we all thought was an artifact, only to be told by someone with time under their belt that it was not. Sometimes it takes people a year or more before they can spot something modern compared to a relic. You have to study artifacts of all types, stone working and anything to do with Native Americans and put time and more time in the field. There are a lot of people on here that know what they are talking about. I have been collecting well over 38 years and I still don't know it all and never will, and I still post things to get other ideas about an item ( another set of eyes are always better). For example I had a item that I had for over 4 years and knew it wasn't a modern item, but did not know what it was. Then I found this site and posted it on here and found out it was an egg stone, used in a Bolo. It was just something I had never seen before, but looking at it I could tell it was not modern. Once you learn how to spot something that has been altered by man compared to something made by nature or by modern man, it will be a moment of awaking. When you put something on a site and it goes all over the world ,you may get some comments you don't like, but try not to be thin skinned about what people post. Most are stating what they see from a photo and do not mean any harm by what they say. As a rule if something is to uniform, and has to many straight lines and so on then it is modern. The eye can play all types of tricks on you and has for finding something away from where you think no one has been before, take my word there are very few places in the USA that someone has not been and dropped trash.JMO

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I am sure people have walked a lot of creeks ditches rivers ext but u knw as well as I that we all have walked over artifacts. Rain an weather washes up new items daily it just seemed after 6 or 8 years of no info on that piece that it was truly a non seen item still it's hard to see the facts of truth. Since I was seeing $ signs. Silly sure, just blows my mind. I member that day when an where I found it, it's been atleast 5 yrs since I have even walked the hillside due to relocating frm the hills to the concert jungle sad but truth in the matter city's change the way country people think an act, upon comments

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