Help me figure this one out!



Well, today I was in the back yard, I know our house was built in the 50's. I am using a MP3 Pro and found this coin in the dirt about 3 inches down. I have no idea were this coin could be from the other side is a picture of a arabian dude with a turbin. I think it is an old coin for amusment purposes, there is no writing on it. I am curious if anyone else has found anything like this and has a clue were it was used. Oh by the way found 3 quarters, and other change today. Not bad, still trying to figure out the sensitivity and the beeps.

good hunting



  • treasure.JPG
    57 KB · Views: 369
Heres the other side.

Good hunting



  • treasure 2.JPG
    treasure 2.JPG
    45.9 KB · Views: 351
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Not 100% for sure, but looks to the best of my memory like the tokens they used to have at "Aladdin's Castle" which used to be an arcade in the mall.

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Looks pretty crude,I don't remember arcade tokens looking like that.Then again I don't remember Aladdin's castle either.Cool looking token though,wherever it's from.Nice find!H.H.

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you NAILED IT SSSNAKE "Aladdins Castle Game Arcade 25 cent Token"

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Pretty crude? it's not even round, looks hand made allmost, I couldn't see this being an arcade token at all, What's it made of and give a size ref.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?kenb

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Mav, I once played Galaga for 6 1/2 hours on the same game at the mall. Or at least that is the story my husband tells. I don't remember the time, just the video eyes and frozen shooting fingers. I quit playing for the longest time after that! Let me see, if it is a man giving the estimation actual time is what about 2 1/2 hours, right? LOL

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No SQ you're getting inches and hours mixed up....Guys usually underestimate the time...i.e.? "I'm going fishing for an hour" means "see you around dinnertime!"

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Got that right CO2, told my 1/2 was goin' to 711 for pak of smokes and be right back. She thought was gone long enough to have 'em custom made in Georgia. ;).

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Thanks everyone, I remember now it is a Alladin's castle token. I remember that arcade in the mall. Wow I love detecting it is so fun to find unusal objects, that bring back memories. So cool!

Good hunting


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