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I know there's some smart people with alot of knowledge of this state!How would you know if you're in an area where an indian village/camp would have been? What would been some things to look for? I live in a rural area in central Illinois(christian county) and my yard is covered with worked pieces of stone that I myself and my kids been finding for years! In my garden alone which is roughly 25' x 60' I found 2 complete arrowheads and many fragments of knapped pieces of partial points and scrapers, which I mostly found while checking on my melon patch after a hard rain back in the summer. My yard is mainly hard clay type soil, but after finding those it just about makes me want to break out the tiller and start tilling up sections outback to see what else I can find! Description of my place is as follows: where the house sits is on flat high ground right on the edge of the timber surrounded by hayfields on the front and left side, on the right side is timber as well as my back yard kinda like being in a cultisac(cove). My back yard is flat then drops down to a V shaped valley that goes between two bluffs that ends up a lowland area with a small creek running through it. To me it seems like a good place for a village since they could have a good location to move back and forth between the winter and summer months. I know there's alot of knowledgeable people on here that might be able to give me some info on clues or ideas what to look for. Well thanks in advance!