Help identifying button


Dec 6, 2012
Central Missouri
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All Treasure Hunting
Today I found what I believe is a uniform button on a substantial CSA civil war encampment. I am still cleaning it so no picture yet. But it has an 8 pointed star with 8- 3 leaf clovers on the outer edge between the points of the star. The middle of the star is circular and slightly protruded but has no marking I can see. Button may be gold plated but is iron.

Any info on that design would be helpful. Should have picture tomorrow.

Could it be a fleur de lis button of some sort? Post a pic when you get it cleaned (or before)

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Having trouble with getting a good pic with the equipment I have. Definitely not a fleur de lis. This is possible a cuff button with a little gold/brass showing. This is probably the best shot I am going to get. Button 008.JPGbutton3 008.JPG

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Very faint in the center appears to be a pair of ropes loosely intertwined, maybe wrapping around ? and can only be barely seen with magnifying glass.

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Can't be cetain without clear in-focus closeup photos... but it appears to be a mid-1800s civilian-clothing "Fashion" button ...not a military one. That being said, we relic-diggers here in Virginia can testify (from digging in strictly-Confederate campsites) that "needy" Confederates definitely would subsitute a civilian-clothing button for a lost Military one when they couldn't get a proper Military replacement.

The shamrocks suggest an Irish-themed button. At the time of the civil war, there were lots of "fresh" Irish immigrants in America.

Also need close-up photos of your button's back in order to date it accurately, because there's always a chance it is postwar, despite having been found in a civil war campsite. It is a hollow "two-piece" button or a solid-cast "one-piece" button?

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