I was given this rock as a gift for my 18th birthday a few years ago and it's been a paper weight since then . I was wondering if this community could help tell me what it actually is
1st - I noticed this was your very first post - so, Welcome Aboard hibihi! You didn't list your state (or country) in your profile. So, you might consider jumping over to Sub-Forums: Select Your Area.... and selecting location information (i.e., clubs, hunts, finds, legends, maps, etc.) directly related to your state (or country). You might also consider adding your state (or country) to your displayed profile (SETTINGS -> EDIT PROFILE) so if you ask a question, etc. - people may have more success helping you (your location may help, etc.)...
2nd - I moved from New Member Introductions over to Forum: Rocks/Gems for more exposure.
Can you do a hardness test on it? See if it can scratch glass or see if a knife can scratch it. Looks at first like smoky quartz but the crystal structure isn't even close. I'd like to say apophyllite, but I've never heard of black/smoky apophyllite. Will have a drastically different hardness from quartz
Smokey quartz crystal. Has some "sidecars" cathedraling, and some twinning going on. Maybe a few other inclusions, but it's hard to tell from the pic. Should be a 7 for hardness.