Hello everyone


Oct 12, 2015
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hello Everyone,

Very glad i finally joined. I'm Brian and live in Turlock, CA. I am 30 years old and have been gold mining for about 4 years. I do all types of gold mining (crevicing, detecting, high banking, etc) and just found my first huge specimen piece 3 weeks ago with my detector Whites GMT :headbang: I want to stick to detecting from now on. I only like to detect for gold so hit me up if you're in the central valley area and want to go hunting.

Welcome! :occasion14: Good Luck to you, and here are a few Arizona nuggets to inspire you!


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Welcome aboard :icon_thumleft:

Thanks for all the kind words everyone. Very happy to have joined!

were you named Tiglath- Pileser in a former life?

Wel-come to the funhouse ... :laughing7:

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