Hello all



Just wanted to stop in and say hello to everyone. I just found this forum and will probably be spending a good bit of time here as Im new to the metal detecting hobby.
I live in coastal SC just south of Charleston and have found it very fun and interesting to "sweep the yard" for relics from the Civil War. The family and I have only spent about 3-4 hrs in the yard and already found: a watch fob, parts of a 9" and 11" Dohlgren(sp) balls, numerous K shot and besides the nails and bolts some other things we are not sure about.
Anyways I look forward to learning and chatting.

What's up Grady!!!
Ole Grady linked me here so to have a look around myself. Nice,,,,,,,you guy's have really put together a good lookin' group of forums!

Like Grady I'm also from the Charleston area, to be exact I live on the bank of the Ashley river. As a young boy I would play in and around the salt marsh just pulling all kinds of stuff outta the mud, bringing home a nice big round cannonball around the age of 8 for my mother.
Well,,,,,,,after the police left, taking my cannonball with them, I went out and found another one. This time I didn't tell anyone. ;)

Anyway, let me go have a look around. I've got alot of reading to do.

Well...Welcome to both of you! Charleston is one place I would really love to hunt ...love the area ...lots of great history. Hope you guys posts pics of your finds and the scenery!

Hey guys, I live up in Summerville! Used to live in W.Ashley but moved for work reasons. Send me a message, I'm trying to help get a group started for local treasure hunters down here, if you're interested.

Welcome aboard!

Thanks Gypsy, it's nice to be here!

BigMESA said:
Hey guys, I live up in Summerville! Used to live in W.Ashley but moved for work reasons. Send me a message, I'm trying to help get a group started for local treasure hunters down here, if you're interested.

Welcome aboard!
Hello MESA. I just replied to a thread http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php/topic,46473.0.html started by Summerville Joe wanting to do the same thing. I may be up for a get together or two depending on work!

Yea me and him have emailed about it. Something should be set up for a coffee meet and greet sometime in the near future. Until then, save some of those good finds for me ;D

Hiya Grady,

Welcome aboard! SC is a historical area for relics, good luck hunting for them.

;) RR

Thanks guys for the welcome.
bigmesa and stingray, Im up for a get together.
Soory for my lateness but I didnt get a email notification of replys. I guess I need to adjust my reply settings.

Welcome To All Of You!! We Almost Have Enough Detecting People Around Here To Start Up The Confederate Army Again. Stingray Can Supply The Fire Power, I Am An Old Viet Nam Vet, And There Is A Doc In Summerville That Can Be Our Medic. Best Of Luck To You All & Good Hunting. trk5capt...

Welcome Grady...You'll like this place for sure,If you don't know what it is you will in about 2 min.'s.....Love your guy's outing's....My kinda fun..

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