exposed as data-gathering honey pot

Aug 20, 2009
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Other exposed as data-gathering honey pot to shamelessly harvest private consumer data and turn it over to the NSA

October 25th, 2013

See Also: (NaturalNews) – Obamacare is the Emperor’s New Clothes: How much longer can Obama, Carney and Sebelius keep up the delusion? – Read More Here Obamacare is the Emperor's New Clothes: How much longer can Obama, Carney and Sebelius keep up the delusion?

(NaturalNews) - The pieces of the puzzle on Obamacare are finally coming together. Yesterday it was revealed during congressional testimony that the website contains a hidden disclaimer which reads, “You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transmitting or stored on this information system.”

Hidden Code on Obamacare Website: ?No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy? | CNS News

This is an open admission that the site intends to share your data with other government entities. It also means the entire website violates federal law because it does not comply with HIPAA regulations for medical privacy. Click here to watch the astonishing video testimony.

Hidden Code on Obamacare Website Says 'No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy' | MRCTV

But this isn’t the only evidence now emerging.

It also turns out that an NSA-funded entity actually helped build! Kit Daniels has just published a groundbreaking story that links the CIA venture capital firm “In-Q-Tel” to the data collection technology provider known as Socrata.

» CIA-Funded Software Company Manages Private Data For Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

“Socrata will work with the CIA and other intelligence agencies to transform raw data into a format easily utilized and accessible to the intelligence community,” writes Daniels. “ captures the personal data provided during the Obamacare enrollment process for this spy grid database.”
Clever ploy to sweep up all the private data of the sheeple

So far, only brainwashed sheeple are even attempting to sign up for health care under Anybody else who has been paying attention knows that any information you hand over to HHS goes right to the NSA. is specifically designed to gather your most intimate details such as social security number, annual salary, place of employment, immigration status, military background, criminal history, physical place of residence, bank account numbers and much more. This information is simply shuttled directly to the NSA where it is then used to cross-tabulate all your phone calls, texts, social media posts, website surfing habits, credit card purchase habits and much more.

Combined with mobile device tracking technology which has been widely acknowledged to already exist, the NSA can even compile a minute-by-minute map of your movements, purchases and interactions with other people. Through this analysis, the NSA can determine who you are meeting or hanging out with.

Jim Marrs, author of numerous books on the real history of the United States, told me, “This alone is reason enough to not sign up for Obamacare.”
More than a rip-off; it’s an NSA front

He’s right, of course. The Obamacare mandate is much more than just a health care rip-off and a way to destroy the jobs base in America while stealing billions of dollars from taxpayers and handing it over to the drug companies and cancer clinics. It’s actually a way to sucker people into turning over their most private details to the NSA… voluntarily!

The government is so incompetent in all this, however, that even its fake data-mining front ( can’t seem to function long enough for all the sheeple to type in all their private details yet. The only thing preventing the most massive data-mining surveillance operation in history, in other words, is the disastrous incompetence of Obama administration project managers who can’t even seem to figure out the basics of computer programming.

If you want to know just how much of a total joke this fake front-end really is, check out the Javascript file found here. (Until they remove it, anyway.)

This file on contains “dummy data” that includes names like “Han Solo,” “Chewbacca” and “Leia Organa” (Princess Leia from Star Wars). This is what $600 million buys you under Obama’s leadership: fantasy characters and Javascript gobbledygook.

Dummy data file on offers Star Wars, Transformers characters |

It’s all one big joke, you see, being played out on the American people. I am convinced that was never intended to really function. It’s all a desperate, late-stage ploy to sweep up all the private data of the most gullible people in society to be used in some nefarious way as the crumbling U.S. empire implodes from outrageous debt and suffocating entitlement payouts.

You can bet I’m not handing over my social security number to And anyone else who wants to keep their details private needs to learn to NEVER trust government with anything. Be especially careful not to trust the Obama administration, a dark legacy built on a never-ending cascade of lies and criminality.

Under Obama, the U.S. empire is steeped in such evil, criminal acts that the world’s nations are now petitioning the United Nations to stop America from running its nefarious surveillance programs.

Obama now makes Bush look like a saint.

Source: Natural News

Absolutely. With socialized medicine the government wants to know as much as they can about your lifestyle. How come you never hear anything about AIDS anymore?

I gotta be honest, I haven't watched all this yet. Ok, yeah I did, but I fell asleep, I don't know where in it. LOL!
If any of this is factual or true, maybe old Buffalo Bobs' connections, were on to something!
Ya'll got any ideas on this?

RJC, if this isn't the right place for this video, pls feel free to use it for another thread, or I can take it off, if you want me to.

:icon_thumleft:Its fine where it is pat:icon_thumleft:or you could pull it and use it for a thread

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I do know that the first person I contacted through their chat told me he worked for General Dynamics ... is that a government contractor for interfacing with civillians?

I am confused on this video - guys are "for" the world police attacking the US? I always thought you would want the US out of the UN and we police ourselves?? You are against waterboarding known terrorist to gain information? hmmmmm, please tell me what side you are on because I am totally mind boggled on this one.

is that a government contractor for interfacing with civillians?

I know its an aerospace and defense company,5th largest in the world.Theyre also into communications,information systems,intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

I am confused on this video - guys are "for" the world police attacking the US? I always thought you would want the US out of the UN and we police ourselves?? You are against waterboarding known terrorist to gain information? hmmmmm, please tell me what side you are on because I am totally mind boggled on this one.
I am for self-governance. I don't believe in the UN running things on our soil, nor, that OUR best interests as a nation will be considered, if we hook-up to the UN wagon.
Those in our gubberment, KERRY, that want to dance with this devil, better remember, it can come back to bite them in the butt, too!

We tout ourselves as a peaceful democratic nation, but our actions, in war and the world view, paints some of our elected officials, as no better than bully terrorists, themselves.
Something to think about, no?

The only way to gain peace sometimes is war - which totally sucks, but just is. See the American Revolution or the Civil War or WWII or WWI or, oh never mind, you get my point. Hey Cat, maybe instead of waterboarding, we could send terrorist down to South Florida and make them water hunt with a fisher's or White's? < -That's pure torture!!!! :laughing7:

The only way to gain peace sometimes is war - which totally sucks, but just is. See the American Revolution or the Civil War or WWII or WWI or, oh never mind, you get my point. Hey Cat, maybe instead of waterboarding, we could send terrorist down to South Florida and make them water hunt with a fisher's or White's? < -That's pure torture!!!! :laughing7:
LOL! Put 'em out there along the "shark line", to find that DEEP gold for ya! LOL! :laughing7:

I'm not saying that there was not in some cases a necessity for war(especially the liberation of an oppressed or abused ppl).
I would think it important, to look at the "reasons" for the war. Sometimes, as throughout history, too many ppl, living too close together, for too long a time....... one needs to go to the left, and the other the right(I'm not talking politics either, lol).

Most wars are started for either; power/control, resources or money, or population check(which falls back under power/control).
We assume another is defuncteded in the way they live or operate, and that we are the appointed/anointed ones, to rule and dictate over their lives or resources.
The way things have been done for centuries now, think about it, HOW WELL HAS IT WORKED OUT? The world still hates and kills. We have learned NOTHING! Well, except how to continue and perpetuate the dysfunction!(I'm speaking in generals, not specifics).
Most would define that as insanity and quit trying to get a different reaction, from the same action, and try something different! Wouldn't ya think? LOL!
Remember: Insanity is a sane reaction to an insane world! So who can truly even define "sanity" or "insanity", anymore? :BangHead: It's pretty much subjective, as to where you live on this planet, and what your lot in life is, isn't it?

And, many have tried throughout history to be that change, but have always been met with violent opposition, from mediocre minds, still narrow mindedly seeking their OWN self-interests. SO,
How do you get everyone onboard for a better way?

Does anyone even KNOW a/the better way? :icon_scratch:

I don't think the better way, is giving someone every bit of info into my life, that can't even handle their own life, and think they can do something for me, that I can't! That would be delusional, don't ya think?

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