Heads Up People! Obama May Sign UN Arms Treaty Next Week 9-18-13


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OB signature doesn't mean it is valid, 2/3 of Senate has to ratify a treaty for it to be valid, presidents can not make a treaty valid by executive action....

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Is a treaty actually valid if congress does not ratify it? I have wondered about this since this UN gun grab keeps resurfacing. We know Hillary loves it, Kerry loves it, The BO, Reid,Pelosi, Feinstein and the whole ensemble of psychos. Things could get interesting.

But, Remember, I keep hearing here at TNET that no one has taken your guns away,, relax, have a pinon nut. Nothing to see here!

Sorry Th, started my post, walked away and came back. Thanks for answering!

The UN is a joke and in NY state alone on the first day of deer season we field 1 million men in camo in the woods and in trees..many states have more.... 50 million ??
anyways if the UN wants to fight come on...just sayin.

Congress in on a 5 week hiatus, one could wonder if O would be so brave and brazen, as to attempt a "world changing maneuver", and worry what congress may say, AFTER the fact.
I mean, after all, isn't he our leader and speaker(especially when he gets a world audience)?

WE ARE A SOVEREIGN NATION! We can, will, and do help and co-operate in world affairs (to the point of meddling and backing the WRONG horses), but, we (THE PEOPLE) will not lay that sovereignty down, to play world footsy!
Do our leaders really think, the good ppl of this nation, will let them sell us out?

The kitty is becoming one of my favorites. The left could learn alot from cats.

If that video I posted a while ago is accurate,theres 685,000 foreign troops,being trained in this country,on how to use U.S. military equipment.

The kitty is becoming one of my favorites.
Not really partial to popularity contests, but I appreciate the sentiment.
You do realize, your cat will eat you, if it comes down to it, don't you? :laughing7: ;D

Having a forum to exchange ideas, voice, and posture is one thing. Using it, to BE the change that we talk about, is another.
Tnetters have done it before, whether stopping legislation, starting it, or just helping out another member, because it's the right thing to do. I do think we should all keep our eyes peeled on this issue and his responses. I guess it will be no use calling our reps, senators, etc..... they on vacation......
Ya'll got any ideas?

I might be a nobody, but for those that gave that blank check for my country and our freedom, I will not go down quietly, and our men and women's sacrifices will NOT be written off, with a stroke of a pen! :protest:
That would be like saying, "Hey, let's build a shopping mall on top of Arlington"! (not in my lifetime)

Not really partial to popularity contests, but I appreciate the sentiment.
You do realize, your cat will eat you, if it comes down to it, don't you? :laughing7: ;D

Having a forum to exchange ideas, voice, and posture is one thing. Using it, to BE the change that we talk about, is another.
Tnetters have done it before, whether stopping legislation, starting it, or just helping out another member, because it's the right thing to do. I do think we should all keep our eyes peeled on this issue and his responses. I guess it will be no use calling our reps, senators, etc..... they on vacation......
Ya'll got any ideas?

I might be a nobody, but for those that gave that blank check for my country and our freedom, I will not go down quietly, and our men and women's sacrifices will NOT be written off, with a stroke of a pen! :protest:
That would be like saying, "Hey, let's build a shopping mall on top of Arlington"! (not in my lifetime)

Call and email anyways. At least they will hear us.

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Already done so........

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

we have the "right" to own guns --provided we are lawful citizens * (not felon criminals ) our own govt can not take the "right" that our fore fathers so wisely gave us as a last ditch hope to control out of control govt away from us ---and if our govt is not allowed to do it by god how in the hell do they think a foreign ouside of the US -- un world govt has the right to do it?--hell no says I.---I am an American with "rights" and I'm keeping them and my guns.

Same here Ivan....I would consider UN Troops trying to take our guns or in force any laws as a hostile foreign invasion and anyone who supported it as traitors and would react and respond accordingly to both

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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yep my view exactly

well, it's 9-19-2013, where are the U N troops and did President Barrack Hussein Obama sign whatever it was you guys are talking about? I watched the nra video and thought it was almost as good as anything produced by James O'Keefe, but had some problems with John Bolton (a signatory to the Project for a New American Century) having anything to say about that.

You guys do remember the Project for a New American Century, don't you?

th...didn't you state once that "treaties don't mean a thing...ask an American indian" was the comment?

when I was speaking about the treaty of Tripoli...:dontknow:

Are you talking about the Sioux Uprising in Minnesota when the Indians slaughtered innocent farmers, tore babies out of mothers stomachs, burned women & children to death and raped women and children? Oh, wait my fault, only bad white people pen false treaties......:dontknow:

well, it's 9-19-2013, where are the U N troops and did President Barrack Hussein Obama sign whatever it was you guys are talking about?
The UN meeting is next week. Might would be interesting to watch (if televised), or just catch the highlights on some news channel......
You having a problem keeping up there buddy? :laughing7:

You guys do remember the Project for a New American Century, don't you?
Was that his "Winning The Future" campaign? How'd that work out for him? :laughing7:


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