headphones or no headphones...that is the question


Bronze Member
Apr 19, 2006
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Middletown, NY
Detector(s) used
AT Pro & Ace 250
I have been detecting for a couple of months now with a Radio Shack/Bounty Hunter 2200. I have not been using headphones, just the detector speaker. I have found quite a few items, some interesting, most not. I have an Ace 250 coming soon and was wondering if I should get a set of headphones or not. Is there really a difference in the signal with the headphones? I think I read somewhere on this forum about "whispers" or something. What are they? Basically what I would like to know is would a set of headphones really make a difference in detecting? Would I miss a signal because the detector speaker would not register it?
I look like a crazy person as it is swinging a metal detector while walking down the street, wonder how I would look swinging a metal detector while wearing headphones!!
It's not that I have to buy a pair, I have an old set from the inlaws that I could use. Just wondering on what the difference is.

Any help on this would be appreciated.


p.s As a side note I bought one of those books that they are selling now that have all pics and history of towns in your area. Well mine had a house that was built in 1817 and was a lodge for the Free Masons........and now it is a freaking El Bandito's restaurant :o The house has changed a little since the picture and obviously there is a parking lot on the property now but MY GOD....taking a place from the early 1800's and changing it into a restuarant??? Capitalism at its finest I guess! Next time I go there going to have to bone up on some spanish or order something really expensive and ask about detecting on the property ;D

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I wear headphones all the time. Blocks out background and traffic noise.
Too bad about that old site being a restaurant. Most people and towns don't care about history.
The town I live in, took away our old late 1800's park and ball field and turned it into a land fill!!!!! The old drive in theatre is now Home Depot. The old amusement park is now a parking lot and a Red Lobster. The ancient indian burial ground (last of the tribe died out 20 years ago) is now a major intersection and shopping center. The town is now planning to TAKE by imminent domain the neighborhood I live in (late 1800's) and developing it commercially!!!!!

headphones or no headphones?................headphones! :)

hollowpointred said:
headphones or no headphones?................headphones! :)

Roger that, HPR!

I don't like wearing them, but in any noisy area it helps.. Also if you are in a park or anywhere around children A BEEP will be like a magnet and you will be swarmed by kids. since school has been out the local park makes me feel like a mama duck, with all the little ducklets following me quaking did you Find anything? what did you find ? can i help?

I know that headphones are a great idea and all the pros for wearing them....but I hunt alone and often in some pretty desolate places...so I dont wear them because I need to be aware of my surroundings.


Don't like to wear them.

Seems no matter how I set the vol, I
will start to get a headache after a bit.

Only time I use them now is if I'm in a
location with extra heavy background

Plus, I really do not like to block out
the normal noise around me.

have a good un.............

DetectorPro has the Rattler Headphones that only have one ear cup...let's you hear your surroundings, especially them pesky ankle biters.



use a 1/8 into 1/4 stereo connector plug.

I tried using a non-stereo plug, with one
earpiece off,

kept walking in circles ;D

have a good un............

Definately headphones. And Gypsy, they generally do not block out so much noise that you can't hear whats going on around you, just puts the speaker right next to your ears so you can hear the fainter signals. Some headphones are better than others for blocking out noise. If you really want to be aware of your surroundings, try a pair of Walkman headphones. You'll still hear everything around you, but also hear the faint signals. The bigger style of phones with the padded earpieces, like the old stereo headphones, do a pretty good job of blocking out a lot of distracting noises, but I haven't come across a pair yet that blocks out everything.

BTW- Higher impedance is better, if your looking for a set. I use Koss myself.

my main complaint with headphones is that they are hot in the summer time, but the benefits outweigh the bad stuff. they make your batteries last longer as well.

can't say if the detector works any better with or without, but I can say I've used it both ways and I have alot more hits with them

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