Hazards of buildings?


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Apr 30, 2004
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Garrett GTI2500 with EagleEye.
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I had me Tetanus Shot about 10 years ago so I'm good

? ? ? ?On Asbestos, Personally, it dosn't scare me in the least.
? ? ? ? ? ?They Say if you don't stir it into the air it's safe.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? They Also Spend Big Bucks, To wear Moon Suits To Remove it.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?If we lived in a Free'er Place, (without a Babysitting Mentality) I'd start a Buisness Removing it for A fraction of what they charge. without even worring about it? ;). (Painters Mask & Garbage Bags? ;D )

? ? ? ? ? ?Just My Opinion

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Jeff

Tetnus is usually a given. As far as asbestos, it's usually wrapped around pipes and such. I think most is found in attics and can be noticed as kind of like a plaster wrap on them. Someone else may have more info.

Seems like most houses that old don't have insulation, sometimes you'll find mica in the attic between the ceiling joists though someone may have installed blow in fiberglass insulation at a later date. That stuff can be removed with talc or baby powder rubbed over the skin .

Asbestos is only dangerous if it is ariborne particles. They wear the protective suits because they stir it up trying to remove it. Many older houses have asbestos shingles on the outside walls and they present no hazard. Overhead asbestos applications tend to deteriorate and become airborne with age. Another hazard is lead paint. Most beuiding codes require removal of asbestos and lead paint before a building can be occupied. Sometimes it's just easier and less expensive to tear a building down and haul the debris to a disposal site. That's one reason why you see so many older homes being torn down instead of rebuilt.

I've never understood the whole tetanus shot deal anyway, I had had a shot at one time and then stepped on a nail and went to the doctor, they gave me another shot. What's the point of getting one ahead of time? I should have asked while I was there but didn't think enough about it at the time.

As far as the asbestos scare... I personally wouldn't worry about it too much unless you start ripping stuff up. Besides, those studies they do with the lab rats are always kind of ridiculous. They feed a rat 20 pounds of Sweet and Low each day and the thing dies, big surprise. A human wouldn't eat that much over a lifetime but they are required to put on the packet that it causes cancer in lab rats. Enough of anything in extreme excess is probably enough to kill you! Next week they'll probably tell us that water is bad for you!!


I think before the government required asbestos removal the only people who got sick were those who manufactured asbestos products.

actually asbestos is pretty nasty stuff when stirred up. particles get trapped in your lungs and scar tissue forms around the particles over time. you really dont want to stir it up! it isnt going to cause a problem if its wrapped on a pipe or if its in a shingle on a house...untill you try to remove it and create dust. as far as the tetnus shot......i guess they thought better safe than sorry? :-\

the tetanus shot was a booster shot that you might need ,also if you work with or handle metal you need a booster shot every five years even if you nick yourself,you also need to be concerned with the possibility of staph,if your pulling metal out of the ground (steel) you need to be careful.


Tetanus is found in most dirt and soil. Any wound, even a scratch that breaks the skin can develop tetanus. Deep wounds and wounds with dirt and soil in them are more prone to tetanus. ? If the wound is clean and you haven't had a tetanus booster in the last 10 yrs you should get one. ?If the wound is dirty and you haven't had a tetanus booster in the past 5 yrs your doctor will probably recommend that you get one. For every moderate or large wound you should move your scheduled booster up one year. ?Short of not getting cuts to begin with thouroughly cleaning wounds with soap and water is the best prevention against tetanus. Wife is a RN specializing in wound care and infection control but I won't tell her that she actually taught me something over the last 17 yrs. lol

About all I can tell you about the tetanus shot is that every time I see my doctor he asks if I have had a tetanus shot in the last five years. I guess a shot lasts five years? I always say yes and figure if I get injured I can always take one then.

Being in the environmental field, believe me once asbestos fibers are inhaled your red & white blood cells can not rid them once they are in your system, its just a matter of how long & how many times you have been exposed. Usually the wrap on pipes that look like bee honey comb is less dangerous than the mud packing they used on the elbows & joints. If your in an area in doubt carry a spray bottle of water & wet the material to keep any air born fibers down Siding on houses is usually not dangerous unless it is drilled, sanded or crumpled. Same applies for lead paint except it concentrates in your blood instead of your lungs like asbestos. Just a short lesson, take it for what it's worth. :D

The Gov,has spent BIG BIG $$$$$$$$ removing lead base paint, asbestos, from any sites that have a fed,dollar attached to it.I work for HUD and our office has spent tons of monies , first for a study then abatement and removal.Ok if not airborn as stated.Can be found in old instullations,ceilling tiles floor tiles ect.Now the big money maker for removal like Jeff said is on Mold.FED,S are to spend great sums of money for low income housing and fedrial sites.In old homes I would watch more for the mold then asbestos unless its been disturbed.

DOT.GOV puts the fear of god into the masses and sooner or later everything will kill us..
Government regulations has surplanted plain ol' good common sense. hell people can't wipe their butt without worrying about the chemicals used to make the bungfodder!!! >:(

Asbestos is, as others have said innocuous unless you disturb it. if you are concerned wear gloves and a painters mask. Otherwise don't sweat it. The volumes of Asbestos they used to give rats cancer back in the 70s was clearly more inline with those who breathed it while mining it and not with the normal household removal. As usual, the babysitter mentality of our leadership makes common sense take a back seat..

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