Have you ever hunted private property without permission?


Jr. Member
Jul 23, 2007
Ok guys, I am asking this question because it is so frustrating to ask just to be turned down because someone is a snob. I just ask a land owner, about an old house falling down, I assured them that They would have no liability for me getting hurt, and that I would not enter the dwelling. They are rich and snobbish, and said no, yes I also explained that I dig small holes and that's it just a hobby, this site would of been a dream to hunt :(
Sometimes I really get mad at the rich, then I remember not to judge.
Any way getting back to my question, of have you ever hunted private property without permission, such as a vacant lot, I must confess that I have. You have to be very careful, and of course cover your holes and it is kinda stressful waiting to see if someone drives up. I just get mad knowing that I am not going to do any harm and that the people are just being jerks.

Very easy to answer, NO. Not my property and I have no right to dig without permission. Snobby or not, they own it you don't!! I used to be bothered by being turned down, but so many towns, so many house the odds are someone will say yes!! Why trespass and pay a fine when you can suck it up and go to the next house??

Wow you guys are making me feel bad :)
What about lots that the city owns, ya know where a house use to stand and now it has signs that say proposed commercial building site, where I am its really hard to get permission, because its almost impossible to contact anyone who knows anything. I might add most of these lots have partyers leaving trash constantly, I want to dig them before they are developed. And the one house I did dig without permission the lady next door said its for sale and the outhouse diggers were already here and no one comes around so go ahead.

scuffler said:
What about lots that the city owns, ya know where a house use to stand and now it has signs that say proposed commercial building site, where I am its really hard to get permission, because its almost impossible to contact anyone who knows anything.

You might check and see if there's a local MD club nearby. Sometimes there's better chances in #'s. Our club can hunt any city property was what I was told. Didn't have any problems digging up 10 Kennedy halves in front of City Hall a while back.

No, I always get permission to hunt! I have to many professional licenses I could have revoked if I get arrested. Not to mention, that it is wrong! To many people out here do break the law well detecting at it makes all of us look bad! One place said no....More on to the next and Good Luck!

I have thought about it, but never done it,I have actually had good luck in asking permission amd getting it,I just dress nice, chat with them a bit about the hobby and tell them I will show them what I find if they wish and split it with them




site,was burned down mansion.

site,now temple beth shalom.

I know that "site going to be gone forever" or "this city has no respect for it's history" is no excuse.I was younger and more bolder then,now I do things proper.
actions like this give our great hobby a black eye,and hurt our chances on future sites.
luckily no damage was done(that I know of).
flame away ;D

Hello!!! Don't feel bad....you already have to worry about people spotting you.Not really much fun... having to worry all the time. There are a lot of other places to hunt unless you live in the heart of L.A or something.

To approach someone like that... you have be a salesman.If you make them think they can profit from you being there it might work. Sample:

"I happen to think there maybe some historical valuable items that can be saved from being lost forever.And... if anything of value is found.... I will split it with you. Unless it belongs to your family and been lost for many years.Any trash dug up will be removed.I will sign a waiver."

You have to approach with a plan game.

You just opened the proverbial can of worms... congrats! ;D

Bran <><

I always say..."Would it be possible to do some respective, none destructive metal detecting". "I will treat your property with the respect it deserves, as if it was my own". "Of course, any finds of family importance that I recover will be returned to you...of course".

Seems to work well for us! Good luck!

do you really think someone who has will say
"oh sure yah blah blah" PLEEEAAAAAASSEEEEEE

scuffler said:
What about lots that the city owns, ya know where a house use to stand and now it has signs that say proposed commercial building site, where I am its really hard to get permission, because its almost impossible to contact anyone who knows anything. I might add most of these lots have partyers leaving trash constantly, I want to dig them before they are developed. And the one house I did dig without permission the lady next door said its for sale and the outhouse diggers were already here and no one comes around so go ahead.


In this case I would maybe go for it.
as long as nobody already said no.

You were given Permission in a round about way.

I have gone on neighbors words.

of course the Best way is to contact the local police if there is some.
Walk into the police station, Pull one over in town, (havn't you ever
wanted to pull over a cop ? I'v done it. It's Fun ! ;D ** )whatever.
Introduce yourself with a Big Smile and a positive outlook.

"Hi ! Hopefully you can help me out."
"That piece of land at -------- ?"
"I am into Metal detecting, & would like to search it"
"do you think there would be any Problem with it ?"

If they say they Doubt you would be allowed,
or they don't know, Ask them if they can direct you
to someone who would.

If you do this in a Friendly, positive way, you can't loose.

Never, Never, Never Trespass on a spot you were told No.
You could get Arrested, or Attacked by Everyone here,
or have your posts Deleted, Or Banned,

OR All of the above

You did the right thing by asking us,
now do the Right thing out there ;D

Happy Hunting !

Warning on this one. Depending on where you live,
the Police may be more Scared then the Public,
& you may want to Rethink this ;)

The areas I have never asked permission to hunt are churches, schools, parks or any government controlled property. I have never had a problem. Private property is different. No place is a guarantee on finding anything great so why risk it?

I'll be honest....yes!

But it's not worth having to be looking over your shoulder all the time.

Once was in an area without fences and I wasn't sure if it was the same property owner or not. In my mind i was thinking (this probably isn't part of the property I'm allowed to hunt). But I did it anyway....right along the edge of where I was allowed so I could say I didn't know I had crossed the line.

I don't want to be known as a fence hopper, so I ask.

I've also had a farmer give me permission then tell me the neighbor won't care if I go there on his too.....hmmmm.

Yep, I did and found stuff too. But still felt guilty because I didn't have owners permission.

Keep in mind, this is pasture landand I really wasn't harming it. Still feel bad for doing it though.

I have walked in a few tobacco fields looking for indian rocks too. Same guily feeling.


Good Luck

what if you crawl under a fence ::)
that makes you a fence what ???

Im going out on a limb here and say yes I have in the past and yes Im sure it will happen again. If a site is going to be lost forever due to a construction project or what ever reason that will put concrete on the ground I feel it is my duty to hunt that spot before it is lost forever. Would I hunt at Gettysburg or a place similar to that? NO! It just has to be the right situation at the right time. I have been ask to leave a site before but that is as far as it has gone. I know the risk Im taking and could end up in jail if the subject is pushed far enough. I still think it is better than for it to be gone forever.

I think most people who do hunt without permission and have read this has past it by due to the flack they are going to get just like what Im about to get! 99.9% of the time I always have permission. I dont try to make it a habit but it has happend. Sorry!


You guys, the words "private property" conjur up a lot of different things. Seems like the stuff scuffler was referring to are things like vacant lots, abandoned houses, etc.... Not things like someone's front yard, or a fenced posted lot, or whatever. Yeah Yeah, I realize that, ... sure .... no matter how abandoned or innocuous a place may be, that it may still be "owned" by someone. But realistically, there are some places that it would seem no one cares.

Like here in my town, we have our blighted "chinatown" district. A few blocks of ramshackle buildings, rescue mission, etc... There are several vacant lots, which are usually home to homeless people's tent's at night. They have shortcut paths across them, trash all about, etc... But at the turn of the century, this was a lively area! But as it got blighted in the 1950s and 60s, and as buildings got torn down, most were not rebuilt, as property values just weren't worth it. Now .... "technically", those lots, if they aren't city property, are owned by "someone", but they are not fenced or posted, and as I say, just sitting there that people cut through, wino camps, etc... My friends and I have discovered that .... since these are basically "demolition sites" from the 1950s & 60s, that were simply left barren, d/t property values, that .... if a person can get under the layer of modern trash, that there's actually coins there, from the board & batton days of our early city history (barbers, seateds, etc...).

So we pick a spot, take shovels, (next to sidewalks are best), and merely shovel out an area about 6 ft. square, and 3 or 4" deep. Then we can find coins. When we're done, we fill it back in. Well I got the wild idea one day, that a bobcat tractor, which I have access too, could make mincemeat of this operation, and wouldn't it be cool to "peel back" larger sections faster? So I went to the assessor's office, looked up a few of those parcels, and found out they are owned by someone, in a town, about 2 hrs. from here (probably the children or grandchildren of the original owners, who have just moved away). I debated on sending a letter asking permission to do a scrape, but then abandoned the idea. But it was interesting that someone does indeed own those lots, yet from all visual perspective, they are totally open to the public and abandoned.

So if I am allowed to make distinctions in "types" of private property like that, I would admit, "yeah I hunt those type spots all the time!". I feel no more "guilt" than the wino who sets up his cardboard tent there at night, or the guy who just took the shortcut path across it.

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