Thought I was going to find a huge coin spill the way my detector was going off. This was still pretty cool to dig tho. There was still some badly rotted leather attached to them. A few buttons a broken pipe stem and whatever the other thing is. Thanks for looking.
Hi! I think that's the first harness spill I ever saw! Someone must have dropped a harness there or something. Nice job on the buttons too! Must've been a hot day to detect--back from Cape Code, I gotta go out there in a few minutes and hit the pavement to go to Penn Sta .... wish I was out there detecting instead despite the heat!
Best, Erik
This heat is rough. Seems to just suck the life right out of you. I think I seen 80's for next week which is awesome. Ill be able to hike to some older sites again. The cape is nice went out two years ago to Hyannis for a week.