GTI2500 Many hours hunting - no Silver!?!?


Jr. Member
Jun 17, 2005
Barrington, IL
Detector(s) used
Garrett GTI2500
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I have had my GTI2500 for about a year and half now, I've hunted in several places that should be producing silver, including my house that was built in 1907, and I have yet to pull a single silver coin from the ground. :-\ I was out today for 2 hours hunting around a house that is scheduled for demolition that was built around 1870, I found a few wheats, some modern clad, and no silver. I'm starting to seriously question if my detector has a problem. Has anyone else heard of a problem like this? ???

It's not the detector. Most old house sites have so much iron trash that they mask your good targets. I would say to run a 4.5 inch coil and dig all iffy targets. Find a good area that you think should produce. Like next to the old sidewalk or under a big tree in the yard. Then dig all the signals in a 10 foot square area and see what you come up with.

The detector will pick up all modern clad, I find tons of pennies, including wheaties, as well as dimes and quarters down to 6-8 inches, I get good signals from all of these coins, even among trash, but never silver. I will do a test tomorrow by burying a couple of silver coins from my non-metal detecting collection to see if the detector detects them. I guess I should also do a factory reset to rule out anything I might have changed by accident.

Your detector as well as other brands and models will pick up silver coins with ease. Detectors are not hot on clad. Detectors pick up metal and either your deeper coins (silver) are masked or your not in a silver producing area.
Most detectors have a hard time finding freshly burried test coins. To help in this issue when planting a test garden. Dig your hole then push your coin into the side of the hole at least 1 inch. Then pack the dirt back and water it all in. That way you do not have disturbed soil above your burried coin. This still isn't like a coin that's been in the ground for 50 years. Make sure you find a clean area for your garden by detecting in all metal or zero disc.

Recently found a gold buckel with three nails around on top ,two under. Imaged at
a "B" size and kept IDing at quarter. Buckel was not gold but an alloy of some type. I have
full confidence in the 2500, after your first silver, you will too. This detector has found coins
i missed with other ones. Keep at it- -can only find whats there!!

Well, I'm heading out the door to go hit the houses that are about to be torn down for another try. I'll report back how it went.

a word of advice. slow down. it is very easy to swing too fast and not cover the ground as thoroughly as you think you are. remember that signal looks kind of like an upside down cone. like this.....VVVVVVV. so the deeper items are pretty easy to miss if you are not overlapping your swings by at least a half if not a third. i was given this advice a while back by a friend who is no longer on the forum and low and behold, the silver started to show up! its just hard to make yourself hunt so slowly sometimes and i even still catch myself going way too fast. when i do i make myself slow to a crawl. it really works! ;)

I spent about 4 hours hunting around the three houses and concentrated on going slower and more patiently. There was a lot of junk around two of the houses. Bottle caps plagued the ground. I dug iffy signals, chased many ghost signals, (I hate ghost signals), one house produced some more wheats and few modern clad, another house produced nothing, (I didn't spend much time on the the 2nd house), and the third and oldest house produced a few coins. While walking back to the truck I did finally manage to find a Rosie!! :D

I am heading back out there in the morning to spend more time on the third house, they going to start tearing them all down this coming Wednesday, so I will be spending as much time as I can hunting before the bulldozer clears them away.

Once again, thanks for everyone's advise, I will be implementing your tips again in the morning. The dime was a nice way to end the day, lets hope the ground gives up more silver over the next few days.

way to go on that dime!! ill bet there is more there somewhere! good luck in finding it! ;)

Re: GTI2500 Many hours hunting - One Silver & many clad

Saturday morning I spent about 4 hours hunting the same houses trying out the suggested techniques. I didn't find any more silver, but plenty of clad. The most effective results seemed to come from going as slow as I could manage and hunting in the all-metal-mode. The all-metal-mode revealed just how much crap was in the ground, absolutely amazing amount of trash. I will say that as effective as the all-metal-mode was, it did take some getting used to watching where I was going, trying to overlap the swings, and keeping one eye on the detectors readout to see what it was reporting from below. When the icon did jump to a coin, it was usually amongst the other trash, and was usually accurate.

All in all, the houses gave up 1 Rosie, 10 quarters, 27 Lincolns, 6 wheats, 4 dimes, 2 nickles, and 1 1954 20 peso, (which my me heart jump a beat because at first it looked like a half dollar).

I'm a 2500 hunter also and I have found silver easy to find with it ......if it is there! Silver is getting more and more elusive. I can count all the silver coinis I have found on one hand. Now in club hunts I have no problem finding silver coins buried up to about 9" in discriminate mode. I don't hunt all metal much unless I am looking for artifacts or feel I must go really deep. Just too much interference from trash to be of much use most of the time, or at least in the areas I hunt. Keep at it. If it's there your 2500 will find it. Monty

Try reducing your sensitivity down to 7.5 or 8 I live in MN the factory setting of 9 was to much I went down to 8 and started to find more stuff. But 7.5 is even better. I run in coin mode and custom most of the time I flip back and forth between the 2 modes. In custom I accept 3-12. I also dig C size targets. The Ace 250 I have told me there was a coin in the ground the gti 2500 said it was C size it end up being 3 coins together thus the larger size. This is whats been working for me so far try it and see. Happy hunting.

Back in the " old " days a dime or a quarter was a lot of money
and when someone dropped coins the shiny silver ones would have
certainly showed up on top of the ground but the Penny's might
blend in with dirt , leaves etc. As a kids ,me and my friends always kept our eyes trained to spot coins on the ground :) So silver is gonna be rare in most places.
Makes it even more awesome when ya dig one ;)
PS. sometimes reading forums about all the great finds people
claim to be making can make some of us feel like we're doing something wrong or have a defective detector , but the bottom line is has to be there to find it :P


I used to find a lot of silver back in the 80's. Sure, some of those old detectors actually went deeper and discriminated better than a $1300 one does today, but now there are fewer old silver coins to find. I found more gold jewelry back then too, and even more gold ones than silver ones, especially rings.

In short, your success in finding silver (and gold) depends mostly on where you hunt and if there IS any silver in the ground. Another very important thing to consider is that a smaller coil will often squeeze a deeper silver coin or wheatie from between or underneath a bad target. I now use a 3" coil on my current favorite detector and that little critter finds silver and gold items as small as 1/8th" in length or diameter right next to, under or near a 2" rusty nail. Coil size is the second biggest determinant. Where you hunt (meaning are there any there to begin with?) is the first. Even an $80 Bounty Hunter will find 80% of what an $800 one will, but the silver has to be there to start with.

Khouse has the formula right on.

I found a silver ring at about 5 inches on Sunday. I am also using the GTI 2500. The signal that the ring gave me was a quarter at 6 in. So keep diggin and you will find some silver. Should not be anything wrong with your machine. I would maybe try digging some both B and C targets in that range. Hope this helps. Happy Hunting!!! :)

If you don't already have them, go to a coin dealer and buy the least expensive silver dime, quarter, fifty cent piece and silver dollar. These can be used as "tuning pieces" to vary detector settings and see where the coins appear on the meter. I have a GTI1500 and haven't found any silver coins in the 10 months I've had it, but that simply means the local parks and such have been fairly well cleaned out over the years. When I pick the right spot, the 1500 will sound off!

I found a new GTI 2500 for $879.00
and a USED one for $554.00 with a 9 1/2 inch coil 90 day warrenty.
Are these good prices or what?

Robert R

robert roy said:
I found a new GTI 2500 for $879.00
and a USED one for $554.00 with a 9 1/2 inch coil 90 day warrenty.
Are these good prices or what?

Robert R
Robert a tip for you: get your lazy a¤¤ from the computer and ask a dealer on their prizes. Some are willing to try to give you a better offer.
Contractor1900: If there is so much trash I bet it's hard to find silver, but not only then if there is no silver how are you supposed to find one? ???
Try new sites and don't give up! People did not exacly go out and scatter the silver coins for us, or did they? :D


>>>>get your lazy a¤¤ <<<<
And a friendly tip to you Eu,
You might choose your words better. ;D
Many people here are years your senior and
have learned the appropriate table
manners for communicating with each other here
at the forum. Being courteous will always get you a long way
in this world. :) And yes, I am already aware deealing with
dealers. Its a good reminder, though, for everyone.

Robert Roy

Robert 9 1/2" is standard coil, the one which comes with any GTI-2500 detector.(from a dealer)
Always ought to leave a first good impression. LOL :D
I've never noticed you before and thought you where just another newbie. Sorry.
Being cheeky can also get you far if you know how to do it right. ;)
Confront the dealers that there is someone cheaper then them, some are willing to give even better prices in order to sell. :)

Eu ;D

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