I used an MXT for a couple of years for both prospecting and coin/relic hunting and found that it did as good as most specialty detectors for both. You must factor in that both the MXT and X70 are DSP based detectors and a lot of the coin hunting capability is software dependent. The MXT doesn't average the signal, which makes it kinda jumpy, but that relates more to preference than real world performance. The X70 is much better re. coin/ring hunting, having multitone and an effective notch system. Both of them have exceedingly good all-metal performance that is in the same league as the dedicated prospecting units. The MXT shares the same electronics platform (and most of the features) as the "top of the line" GMT gold detector.. just operating at a lower frequency. The X70 AM mode is at least as sensitive as the original Gold Bug (possibly moreso) with gound tracking and adjustable iron mask. So far, with in-ground tests, the X70 won't track out my 3 grain test nugget, giving a strong signal, and will easily pick it up with the iron mask at maximum. With both detectors I've often picked up targets (coin sized) that were deeper than I wanted to dig in disc. mode; this is in heavily mineralised ground. ..Willy.