
Congrats on your purchase , you got a killer Gold machine there . Start with the Factory Preset's (FP) , read the manual several times , ground balance often and go from there , depending on what coils you are using and ground mineralisation, adjustments can be made to optimise your search criteria , basically its about getting out there for a swing and getting time on the ground to learn your machine , good luck ..cheers Mick

How much was it if you don't mind me asking? I want one :3

Awe you don't want the GPX5000, that's junk.
I tell ya what, because I am such a great guy I will take that old junk that you got conned into buying and give you a real nugget detector, my GB2.

Im losing out big time, but I just cant see my fellow miners get conned. ;)

trust me im a mining engineer.jpg

I bought one this summer too. What I found useful for the settings was a "cheat" card that I bought off ebay for about $20 to help initially with the settings. I was also happy with a small waterproof coil, so I could dip it into the stream or pin point easier (smaller holes). I found in my area that a pick was the best digging tool and having a rare earth magnet to quickly capture iron was pretty useful. There are some good videos on Youtube for instruction. I am still on the learning curve, so will watch this thread with interest. Oh yeah, I highly recommend Lanny's thread on this forum. Tons of good stuff in there.

Hi , that's cheap for a 5000 , I really hope its genuine and not one of those Chinese fakes or no amount of adjustment or factory settings will be worth a darn , ifs its the real deal you got yourself a bargain ..cheers Mick

I hopened it's real too. If it's not no big deal. PayPal has been good at refunding me on counterfeit items before. I have no doubt they will again

So the seller hasn't contacted me since I bought and paid. I tried messaging from a different user name. I asked if it ever sold and if not how much they want for it. The seller responded immediately saying it's still available and wants 1000 more than the price I paid for it. I called them out on it and now they are not responding. I assume they didn't think it would sell for so low of a price. Any adivice?

So the seller hasn't contacted me since I bought and paid. I tried messaging from a different user name. I asked if it ever sold and if not how much they want for it. The seller responded immediately saying it's still available and wants 1000 more than the price I paid for it. I called them out on it and now they are not responding. I assume they didn't think it would sell for so low of a price. Any advice?

Did you save the message from the seller? If so, immediately contact
eBay and file a formal complaint against the seller, and make sure you
forward a copy of the sellers comments. eBay will either get you the
machine at the price you paid, or the seller is booted.

If you paid via Paypal then bring them in on the issue also, as they
can really put the pressure on the seller to comply with the auction

For a seller that's always the risk of selling at auction, and I've been
caught a couple times myself over the years. Like it or not the item
sold for what it did, and if the buyer pays, you pack it up and get it
shipped just as if you'd gotten a higher price. It's not the buyers
fault, and ya just write it off to experience.

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Yep, be honorable and honest. It will come back to you if you're not. When the world loses their morals, keep yours!

Yep, be honorable and honest. It will come back to you if you're not. When the world loses their morals, keep yours!
Wisdom over experience. Morality over desire

Very well put TL

Darn shame. When I used to sell stuff on eBay, I was always pleased for a buyer who got a good deal, even if it cost me money. That was the nature of the business. For sure, get hold of eBay and lodge a complaint plus slag them in the feedback.

You won fair and square, I would have eBay make them honor the auction, don't accept a refund.
I use to sell a lot on ebay too and have lost a lot of money on Auctions that didn't do well but have also made out like a bandit on auctions that were very competitive.

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