A couple years ago my wife got me a Garmin Etrex Summit hand held GPS unit for Christmas (about $150 I think), that I had requested for logging Indian artifact find locations. It also has a feature that can log your movements on a map during a hunt, that can show you all your little zig zagging motions, and hence any area you might have missed. I find it interesting to use while detecting in large fields, to tack the locations of items found. You can also plot the find locations on Google Earth views to see where the hot spots were after the fact, and help you find them again in subsequent years when the fields look a little different, due to different plowing patterns and crop rotations. Like a pinpointer, it is another gadget that I always take with me. It can also log for you how far you walk during the hunt.
Your absolutely right hoosierguy , it's a feature I thought I would not use on my ctx , but the more I see people useing it and how well it can document your finds and locations iam rethinking that and iam sure I will at least Try it out on spring