got ran off!


Gold Member
Jan 28, 2005
Choctaw Beach Florida
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This time of year is fairly cool and it gets dark fairly early. I had it pretty good, If I hurried from work I still could get a good hour and a half of hunting in :).There is a real nice grassy field close to where I live that have turned out alot of finds. I never have had problems here but I never have asked permission to hunt the field eather. The reason being is no one lives around it and it is not being farmed. I got out of the car and started hunting not far from the road(mistake) . I found three old rounds and I had only been there a short time. This car pulled over and a guy ( around 30 or so ) got out and walked over to me. I have had this happen alot but they usally just are curious . This guy started screaming in german and pointing to the ground . ??? I don't speak a whole lot of Deutsch so I told him in german that I speak little german.I think this made him pretty upset. He motioned for his wife or girlfriend to come out of the car because she spook alittle english. I asked her if it was their property and she just kept saying I need to leave. I don't mind saying ,I am sorry and leaving but when I don't even know if it is your property or you just hate americans I kind of get defenceive. Well ,I tryed to cummunicate with the little bite of german I know and this dude was not having any of it . I even showed him the holes that I covered up and you could hardly tell that I even dug there. I think he was just mad that an american was digging on the father land. I have been here 2 years and for the most part people have been great but this guy really made me madd. I tried to tell him I was sorry If I was on his property and he just got more I rate. It could very well not even been his property. Anyway the Germans have been nice people and very good neihbors but this dude really made me madd. Over all ,I should have made more of an effort to learn the language and maybe I would have known what he was screaming about. I know that I am a guest in their country but this could have been America #2 if we would not have not been so freedom loving. We could have did the same as Russa and kept control. Anyway I was probebly in the wrong for not having permission I just had no Idea where to get permission. ???I have been hunting here on and off sence Febuary and never had any problem but I guess all good things have to come to an end. It is really a shame! I have found alot in this field and have only hunted about 20% of it. Thanks for letting me vent! HH

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I think taht I would be on a quest to find out the owners. Maybe start with Consulars office., Possible a liason for the americans and germans, or maybe some friends (germans) that you may have got to know pretty good. Don't know if it will help, but you have to start somewhere. One last thought, try teaching a german how to metal detect and bring them along. This would definatly help with the language barrier. Just my thoughts...

Hey BirdMan, To Bad about the Conflict, You know Batch, Bavaria Mike, grantler, THC, and Vito are all there. Maybe you could hook up with them. Anyway sorry about your Field. Sounds like time to do some new research.HH

Sorry to hear Trent. ?That hasn't happen to me yet but since my German is very good I may have been able to head it off. ?I did have a problem at a castle that I can now legally detect, because of that ?problem, I can now, as of last weekend detect the top most inner part of the castle. ?It was boring believe it or not, no finds after 3 wars but the hunt of a cool site was high, many ceramic shards everywhere. ?I might be moving to the Baumholder area soon, I was offered a position and promotion there today. ?Thinking about it now. ?HH, Mike

Batch and my self have hunted that field with results but there are lots of good other places around also .The language barrier is a problem but so many people speak English it never seemed like it was a necessity. I have found out about another field which was a battle site back in the 1700 s . I have found musket balls close to that area ,now it is just finding out who the farmer is that owns it. :)Mike I hope you move this way.You might be a good buffer between me and the Field owner.LOL Baumholder is not far from here. :) Thanks to all for the advice!HH

The guys possibly keeping an eye out, and if you were to go back with a German friend, and just park by the field and stand on its edge, he's sure to come running again. Only this time you can find out what he wants, or if it even is his land. I did three tours in Germany so I have a good idea how some may act, but keep in mind, it's only a fraction of any peoples that act that way. Overall. they are easy to get along with, and most, as you mentioned, are just courious. Good luck...

Thats a shame. Sorry to hear about it. I Imagine it would be a little easier to take, if you knew he was the real owner or not. Oh well. I'm certain there's bigger and better finds out there waiting for you. But don't forget to post them. ;D HH

just a thoght as stupid as it sounds maybe it was a mine feild back in the day and he was telling you as best he could "hey what the hell are you thinking"sorry about your run in ive never had this happen to me before "yet"so i can only imagiane"SORRY TO HEAR ABOuT ALL OF THIS"

? ? ?Boy does that sound stupid!!? ? ? ? ? ? Sorry I couldn't resist ;D

I noticed the guy called his wife or girlfriend out there. Maybe it was his ex. I wouldn't mind having my ex out in the middle of a mine field. But then, I don't think dreams really do come true.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Good point made though. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? HH

That was my first thought, too. KABOOM, GI.
I was at the wine festival at Bad Durkheim sitting there minding my own biz drinking a 6 mark half liter of wine and this German guy starts blablaing at me. I was like Nein Sprachenze Deutche, and his daughter said, he wants to know if you will get up so he can pass. You know the benches at those things, worse than movie seats. One high board, one low, one high one low. You have to get completely out to let someone by, lol.

Damn dude sorry about your run in, but take pride in knowing we Americans are proud to have men and women like you serving our country. When you get back to the states look me up in Alabama and I'll take you to some of my best spots, keep up the good job.

dekalb33 said:
just a thoght as stupid as it sounds maybe it was a mine feild back in the day and he was telling you as best he could "hey what the hell are you thinking"sorry about your run in ive never had this happen to me before "yet"so i can only imagiane"SORRY TO HEAR ABOuT ALL OF THIS"

That's a good thought however it seems that if it were a mine field no one would want to cultivate or mow it but let it grow up. So it wouldn't be a "field" today but it would be wooded. Just a thought.


I was just at the wine fest at Bad Durkheim last month.Good times.Thanks for all the good commets .I am going to try to find out who owns the property but it might take awhile. There are lots of places to hunt here but now I think I will always be looking over my shoulder.LOL Hunting here in Germany is a great privilege . I think that is why I held my temper yesterday. Hope I have some good post to show after this weekend .HH and thanks.

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