I got out detecting today. Ran into a friend we both knew of a site and shared info. One a comdemned house the other one just torn down. I gave him a lift to get his equipment, and to detect the torn down one. We just got out of the car and were getting ready to detect. The house was an old brick one, but it was gone, nice black dirt the kind that looks tempting. Funny thing about the house is it was known as the BOTTLE HOUSE. The little old man decorated his whole yard with these pin wheels and twirling things and dodads all made from bottles and other junk items. When the wind blew his whole yard was in motion. The city was pushing to comdemn on the basis of it being a eye sore. City won but it took years. Back to the detecting story. We were just going to start and a car pulls up and asks what are you doing? I said we were going to detect the yard. The person said you can't do that. I found out they did not own the property even. He said there was one down the alley comdemned that we could detect. He didn't own that one either! So i figured if he could give permission to detect one he didn't own. I decided I'll just go night hunting here and if asked I'd say down the alley they said i could detect this one. What a day!