good news!

I want to thank everyone who got involved by writing their reps and sharing links, and other news. And a special thank you to Treasure hunter and RedJamesCash
for inspiring me to get involved.

I want to thank everyone who got involved by writing their reps and sharing links, and other news. And a special thank you to Treasure hunter and RedJamesCash
for inspiring me to get involved.


Am I wrong in thinking that common sense is not totally dead in congress? Enhanced background checks sounds like a great idea to the masses of folks who don't know their muzzle from their buttstock but, just how would it be enforced? Example: Joe Jones has quit hunting and sells his rifle to John Smith. Neither man ran down to their local ffl licensed dealer to have their backgrounds checked, there is no birth certificate for Joe's old 30-30, and there's no way anyone could say that John didn't have it all along.

Same situation. Joe has a table at the gun show. John would sure like that old 30-30 but, alas, Joe tells him he can't sell it to him at the show, but meet me outside afterwards, and it can be yours.

Could it be that those clever anti-constitution folks down there in D.C. have a plan to remedy that particular situation if enhanced background checks can just become a reality? There would be no way of enforcing that law without knowing who owned what. Simple they say; now that we've required everyone to have their personal history checked through the "common sense" farce that we've successfully foisted upon the law abiding citizens, we can only further impose our will through another government bureaucracy. We must now establish an enhanced national database. The owner must register the type and serial number of every firearm, regardless of type. Thusly, anyone caught in possession of an unregistered firearm would be guilty of a felony and his gun could be confiscated and destroyed.

Am I just being cynical?

Am I wrong in thinking that common sense is not totally dead in congress? Enhanced background checks sounds like a great idea to the masses of folks who don't know their muzzle from their buttstock but, just how would it be enforced? Example: Joe Jones has quit hunting and sells his rifle to John Smith. Neither man ran down to their local ffl licensed dealer to have their backgrounds checked, there is no birth certificate for Joe's old 30-30, and there's no way anyone could say that John didn't have it all along.

Same situation. Joe has a table at the gun show. John would sure like that old 30-30 but, alas, Joe tells him he can't sell it to him at the show, but meet me outside afterwards, and it can be yours.

Could it be that those clever anti-constitution folks down there in D.C. have a plan to remedy that particular situation if enhanced background checks can just become a reality? There would be no way of enforcing that law without knowing who owned what. Simple they say; now that we've required everyone to have their personal history checked through the "common sense" farce that we've successfully foisted upon the law abiding citizens, we can only further impose our will through another government bureaucracy. We must now establish an enhanced national database. The owner must register the type and serial number of every firearm, regardless of type. Thusly, anyone caught in possession of an unregistered firearm would be guilty of a felony and his gun could be confiscated and destroyed.

Am I just being cynical?

Time will tell...

Keep contacting your reps, don't let up, don't get complacent.....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

no giving up on my end. This has changed me. I believe the same as I always had, but will work actively within our constitution to make a difference. Voting is not enough.


Voting is not enough

Doesnt work anyway.all you end up doing is replacing an old piece of garbage with a new piece of garbage..As george carlin said Choice is an illusion,you dont have a choice.


Voting is one solution to the problem in DC,politicions seemto be always concerned with being re-elected. We won the first skirmish, but they will be back.

Along with the constant pressure on Congress, there also has to be education, not only of Congress but of the public. Both of those groups really don't realize the laws that are already on the books. I've said this before, but the thousands of laws, and criminal statutes that exist already aren't enforced, what makes them think that new ones will be.

By the way, anyone who thinks that they can order a firearm over the internet and take possession without a FFL. is going to wait a long time by the mailbox.
An individual can list a firearm for sale on one of the gun auction sites, but the rules state shipment to dealer of his choice, ebay and craigs list won't even list them. The Pres. in his weepy, rant of a speech demanded a need for common sense. Well he got just that and refuses to recognize it!

The most common sense solution to these viscious crimes is simple, commit a crime with a gun, 10 years mandatory, then you stand before a jury for the crime!

Where do they get "90%" wanted this gun mandate? Polls are skewed!

What bothers me is 'where are they getting these polls that say 90% of the people WANTED this to go through?
I have yet, to talk with anyone who WANTS this mandate to go through.
NOBODY trusts the gov with ANYTHING! NOBODY.

I think the media has either asked a "trick" question in the poll or they're flat out skewing the results, like everything else.

Awesome news gentlemen . Another WIN for common sense . But don't let your guard down . If they can't win directly , they'll try to sneak in from behind . Watch your back .....:thumbsup:

Awesome news gentlemen . Another WIN for common sense . But don't let your guard down . If they can't win directly , they'll try to sneak in from behind . Watch your back .....:thumbsup:

Keep the writing campaign going, make sure they never forget we are watching and we will not forget, our constitutional rights and their jobs are on the line....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Keep the writing campaign going, make sure they never forget we are watching and we will not forget, our constitutional rights and their jobs are on the line....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

LOL! WHAT is the sound of ONE HAND CLAPPING...?

You tell me, your the one doing it .....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

LOL! NOPE! Got BOTH hands... it's a ZEN question. Trying to insinuate something against ppl w/o a hand...?

No seems you are, it was your post remember.....

By the way, did you hear, background checks voted down....:thumbup: :D

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

No seems you are, it was your post remember.....

By the way, did you hear, background checks voted down....:thumbup: :D

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Even COMBAT VETS would be be amused... YEP, sad that it did NOT pass; now up to each state... forget the FEDS.

Even COMBAT VETS would be be amused... YEP, sad that it did NOT pass; now up to each state... forget the FEDS.

We will continue to fight this war waged by the left against our rights and freedoms under our Constitution too...

This was a major victory for our rights and freedoms..

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Like I said in another thread, they will keep bringing this stuff up until they finally get their way. They could care less about the "children", it's about egos; lots of them.

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