Good day, but.....


Jr. Member
Feb 8, 2013
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All Treasure Hunting
Finally got some nice old coins out the park today. A nice liberty quarter, my first, and two IH pennies. Was feeling pretty good until I was leaving and saw another MD brother so I stopped to chat. We had the same whites MXT. Apparently he does well, and he carries everything he's ever found in his pockets. Don't know how his pants stay up. I'm talking diamonds gold and silver. Nuggets in jewelry and silver galore. Coins? Yup those too. Nice stuff for sure but I don't I'd carry it around that place and show it off like that. Very nice though and gave me some tips too. Hope he doesn't get rolled for it. And hope I can find things like that one day


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love the coins:icon_thumright:

Nice finds! Where does that guy hunt?:laughing7:

Nice finds!

Congrats on the IH's and Barber...Thats really odd someone carrying all there stuff around like that.

Me personally, I only tell this website my finds..That last thing I want to do is let someone in on a really good spot, Or like you said...Get a rolled before i make it to the car.

Another thing that annoys me is when people ask how much my detector costs...I usally tell them its a 30 dollar special from Academy :laughing7:

Great Finds Man!...Keep at it!

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