Good day at a new park


Full Member
Oct 21, 2004
After 3 days of rain I finally got out and found a new park and made the best of it. Found a total of 288 clad and one silver coin. With 109 pennies (no wheaties), two nickles, 83 dimes all Rosies, 95 quarters. The silver quarter was a 1964. Along with that I found a small sterling silver ring, a North American Hunting Club Collectors Medallion (in excellent condition). a hot-wheel, one key and what looks to be a key chain watch fob (it looks like a large P with a lightening bolt on it), and a small bronze football that must have broke off a trophy that has great detail. I also put a curse on any grounds keeper that mows over aluminum cans! By far this was my best day for coin hunting. I started at daylight and quit at dark. I'll probably need a couple of days to recouperate. Needless to say my partner was disapointed that she had to work and couldn't go. The park was 43 miles away and I just found out that they have 9 parks in that town. I have to say this is cutting into my deer season. The total was $33.24. Heres a picture. HH BRINK

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Man. that is one long day of hunting... Did you recover much trash, or was the park good to you?
Looks like a great find,,, I would definitely try that one again, and the other parks too... ;D
Good Luck & Happy Hunting~

Found about 60 alum cans .... all at about 4 inches deep. On my IDX Pro most
of the cans showed up quarters & sometimes dollars..... After digging so many pennies
I set the " DISC" just below MAX to get rid of penny points and went for the dimes and
quarters. Most of my coin hunting was around a football field that has alot of bleachers and
a sidewalk that goes 3/4 around the field. This one park is 27 acres ... I guess I hit 1/3 of

Now, if you can just find the real car that matches the key you found...

The key fob thingie that you found sounds like one that I found a couple weeks ago. Here is a picture of mine.... does this one match yours??? I was wondering what just what this thing was used for. I found mine near Seattle.. Where did you find the one you have?

Looks the same to me,,, bottom/center of his pic... That too cool...
No Idea what they would represent....

I got one of them here in PA 2 years ago. I guessed part of a Key Chain also

WOW! Shutterbug your picture is right on. Ok..So now we have one found near Seattle one in PA, and now one in Illinois. Maybe some of our readers might have an idea. Were they promotional keychains, cigarette giveaways, trucking company emblem keychains? I won't be surprised if 50 of them are found in Area 51 in Roswell :) At least 3 of us belong to a special club now. Thanks for your response. HH BRINK

your p with the lightning on it is a zipper Fob from a pro player jacket they make jackets with sports team logo's on them they used to put this tag on them I'm not sure if they still do i had a Pittsburgh penguins jacket with one on it thats how i recognized it


THANKS...... MAV for the input. I was stumped on how to research this one. ???

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