After 3 days of rain I finally got out and found a new park and made the best of it. Found a total of 288 clad and one silver coin. With 109 pennies (no wheaties), two nickles, 83 dimes all Rosies, 95 quarters. The silver quarter was a 1964. Along with that I found a small sterling silver ring, a North American Hunting Club Collectors Medallion (in excellent condition). a hot-wheel, one key and what looks to be a key chain watch fob (it looks like a large P with a lightening bolt on it), and a small bronze football that must have broke off a trophy that has great detail. I also put a curse on any grounds keeper that mows over aluminum cans! By far this was my best day for coin hunting. I started at daylight and quit at dark. I'll probably need a couple of days to recouperate. Needless to say my partner was disapointed that she had to work and couldn't go. The park was 43 miles away and I just found out that they have 9 parks in that town. I have to say this is cutting into my deer season. The total was $33.24. Heres a picture. HH BRINK
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