Golden Sabre metal box


Full Member
Jan 31, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Detector(s) used
Explorer II
CZ 20
Golden Sabre
Primary Interest:
Just got it Yesterday and it looks brand new except for 1/2" X 1/4" scratch on the under side of the box. I tested it and it work well, but it only has one tone on all targets from coin to foil and no sound at ALL on any iron or nails, I like that. The old owner said that it has a low, medium and high depending where you place the notch, well it isn't happening, I get only one tone. The old Tesoro web site shows it has an audio response of 375Hz, the other Golden models the web site does show that the Golden Sabre 2 has two tones the Golden Sabre Plus has two tones. Can anyone here that has had the original model tell me how to make this detector speak in two tones.

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