I have done a fair amount of nugget chasing in my time of detecting, and you meet lots of people in the gold fields who have never found gold. Or dont know when they have and simply throw a potential nugget away.One thing that people do is they detect a hot rock and think its just rubbish and throw it away.My suggestion is do not throw them away. Put it in a container and when you get home hit it with a hammer and look inside, it is surprising how many have gold hidden inside them.Another thing is discrimination on the gold feild, a lot of nuggets are attached to ironstone which if you are using discrimination will be missed the iron stone causes the detector to null out the target. So the answer is obvious dont discriminate, you will do more digging but you will be finding more nuggets in the long run.
I have put a picture of 3 hot rocks all of which had gold inside but were ignored by other detectorists. seeya happy hunting Neilo
I have put a picture of 3 hot rocks all of which had gold inside but were ignored by other detectorists. seeya happy hunting Neilo

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