
Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
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sent directions to two people regarding a small creek within 5 miles of greensboro n.c.......i said to turn left on ritters lake road......go past this road instead of turning,, go app 2 more miles,, right after elm-eugene forks in on your left you will see a daytona gas station on your left.... right beside this store is spur road...turn left here,, go up hill, down hill, creek at the bottom...........i went to this area yesterday and realized i had misnamed the road.......i am sorry for any inconvenience caused by my mistake............gldhntr

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I live in Charlotte NC and I am looking for places to try my hand at nugget hunting. Greensboro is only 100 miles from me so the creek that you were providing directions for would be OK. Please could you let me know more about it as I could not find any previous posts. Also, any info on places I might try in NC will be well received, Dave. * * *

Hi Dave,
Most of the places here in NC to find nuggets are the pay to play areas. I have talked to a couple of people who have found small nuggets on the Uhwarre river just south of the National Forest. There are some nuggies found on the Broad rivers and I have heard of 1 on the Yadkin, When it has good water flowing.
I have seen good specimines from the Cottonpatch and MT Creek in New London, and The mines on 221 south of Marion.
If anyone advises you to check Capps Hill in western Charlotte, ignore them. The main mine is under houses and it's a fairly bad drug area.
I'm just across the Catawaba from you in Belmont.

Dave's right. If you go to Lucky Strike gold mine on hwy 221 in Marion, you can join their private club and metal detect or whatever on another parcel they own. This is not open to the public and it's the same place they do their annual digs for members.
They recently had an annual dig and I saw the gold pulled from this place. Well worth the drive and the club dues. Or, you can buy their buckets (which I've always had good luck with) or dredge or sluice in the river.
Very nice people there too.

dave,,,,,if you are coming from charlotte into greensboro on 85, once in town, still on 85, turn right on the randleman road exit, then follow directions in above post,,,,,,this area is only 5-7 miles from the highway...there were open face mines in the 1800s from the highway to this area around spur road...i know of several white quartz rock full of stringers coming from this area, one being very large,,,,,,,also east of archdale is caraway mountain,,,,in the 70s we located over 20 old mines here, many of which you could still enter at the time,,,and know of a couple people that have had some luck in the creeks around this mountain,,,,there is a methodist camp there now that is on the site of one of the gold camps,,,,most of the mines we found were off the road directly below this camp which is on the archdale/high point side of the mountain....if walking through the woods here be careful as some of the mines are straight down shafts.....................gldhntr

hi, drove across the creek today after reading your post. i live 10 minutes from it and know someone half a mile or less from this creek. but i dont know who owns that part of land.would i get in trouble if i just pulled over and walked down in the creek,and panned some?im new to this hobby ,but armed with a pan and md/ ever heard of coggins mine down near new hope? i grew up a few miles from there, and my uncle owns farm land right next to the old stamp mill ( is that the correct name?)there a creek close by it also, and id love to get in it and pan some.its located off hwy 109 on new hope rd, witch runs over to hwy49 near richards junk yard.. its really closer to the hwy.109 side of new hope rd. maybe a mile or so off be on your right comming in off 109. the old mill house is growed up and collaped over the years. i was told as a child it was full of shafts and tunnels, and was unsafe to venture anywhere around. was told also that they were still getting gold out when it was forced to shut down because of several minning deaths. sorry... long winded..douglas nc

i thnk the waterways are owned by the state/county in n.c......adjoining land i don't know.......i know of the area of might check into carraway mountain east of a kid went in at least 25+ mines here.......the methodist camp was a gold mining camp;;;;;;;;g

also the whole area of the creek you visited, about 1/2 mile wide area all the way back to 40/85 there was extensive surface mining in 1800s....check at museun of history in greensboro they have a couple good maps showing extensive operations all over guilford county in 1800s.............g

I was just looking over my topomap atlas for the areas you have been talking about and I have found the Carraway Mnt. you've been talking about and I'm really interested in this area, since it has so many old gold mines and was wondering if you do any prospecting in the Mnt. area there and what kind of luck have you had? I live just across the NC-VA state line in Henry Co. I'm also familiar with the Spur Road area , but am more interested in doing some sluicing and panning in the creeks around the Mnt. area. With 20-25 old mines in such a small area seems like there may still be a fair amount of gold in the area. I figure it's about an hour and a half to the sites around the Mnt. Would really love any info you might want to share about those mine's you used to go in back in the 70's. Sounds like a good area.I just do some metal detecting and gold prospecting since it's good physical therapy for this old disabled Vietnam era Veteran. Thanks for any info, Gary :icon_pirat: (

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