Gold from Cellphones


Hero Member
Sep 6, 2012
Primary Interest:
I know this probably doesn't qualify as "treasure" hunting, more like treasure scrounging but I have to put it down. I was websurfing on youtube after finally getting DSL. I now know what all the hype was about DSL. this is so cool! Anyways I was searching for gold and found a video about getting scrap metal from cellphones. I found an old cellphone of my dad's that doesn't work anymore. After tearing it apart, I found some scrap metal and the best part, two small bits of gold. not much but they are about the size of a glass bead, maybe 1-2mm. But sweet! I finally got some gold for myself.

Sincerely, Garoulady

to add it is super dangerous and involves some nasty chemicals to actually separate the gold from any electronics. If you attempt this it should be done in a well ventilated area with a mask goggles and chemical gloves. Some of the chemicals that are used will eat right through skin. Unless someone is well trained in Chemistry and understands the risks involved, I wouldnt advise it. but congrats on your 3 cents worth of gold :occasion14:

Welcome aboard Garoulady!

Along the perspective of smaller $$ dreams, has anyone heard of saving old/unused wires from that non-working TV or coffee maker ect, for the copper?

Can these be salvaged for cash? Must the wires be stripped of any insulation?

Welcome aboard Garoulady!

Along the perspective of smaller $$ dreams, has anyone heard of saving old/unused wires from that non-working TV or coffee maker ect, for the copper?

Can these be salvaged for cash? Must the wires be stripped of any insulation?

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I have been collecting copper for a while. Not much but I have about a pound of it. Personally I rather melt it down into ingots and save it for emergencies, or if I get an itch to get silver and can sell it. I do know about gold plating in cellphones, saw it on Youtube, but really appreciate the info. The gold bits I got, I need to call the coin show and ask how they test for gold purity. I know they use acid for some tests but I don't want them to disolve my gold trying to find out whether it is 24K or 14K.


Welcome aboard Garoulady!

Along the perspective of smaller $$ dreams, has anyone heard of saving old/unused wires from that non-working TV or coffee maker ect, for the copper?

Can these be salvaged for cash? Must the wires be stripped of any insulation?
Tom, I thought about salvaging metals from appliances. Problem with that is the amount of debris you would accumulate to get the copper, tungsten, etc, would make collection a big headache. The insulation must come off. BUT cannot be burned off as the fumes will be toxic. And doing alot of burning may upset the neighbors and bring the EPA to the door. Be careful, my friend. TTC

Guys: Scrap metal is a big industry. Maybe people's primary income is supported in this way. FYI, this forum has its own scrap metals section. There are also several external websites specializing in the topic ( Suggest you guys do a little research (a simple google search) and I guarantee you will come up with all the answers you seek plus more.

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Guys: Scrap metal is a big industry. Maybe poeple's primary income is supported in this way. FYI, this forum has its own scrap metals section. There are also several external websites specializing in the topic ( Suggest you guys do a little research (a simple google search) and I guarantee you will come up with all the answers you seek plus more.
Tnx, Jersey. I know I will be looking into it. TTC

My old man has some gold plated computer terminals stored away in a box, he thinks they are solid gold but that would just be silly of course. I just cannot convince him that the bits are gold plated. There is enough gold in this thirty dollar bottle of booze to make a hundred cell phones. sdflk.jpg

:: laughs:: I use to talk to my brother about buying that gold flaked cinnamon scnapps and filter the gold out of it. he would get the liquoer and I would get the gold.


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