Gold coin information:

Peg Leg

Bronze Member
May 29, 2006
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Golden Thread
I am looking for information on the following gold coin it is in the following book.
Monedas Espanolas Desde Juan y Carlos A Isabel II, 1504 a 1868
1985 edition Pg 57
Look at the Calico, Barcelona book.
If there is anyone thatcn scan a copy of this page and send it to me it would sure help me to I.D. this coin.
Peg leg

Peg Leg:
Over 250 views of your inquiry and no responses; perhaps if you described the coin we could offer up some pics???

The Gold coin in question is a II Escudo,
The mint is a G
The assayer is little "o" over a big "D" the II is below the "D".
A number of years ago I recovered 14 of these coins along with some gold trinkets from a site on dry land. I also recovered a good amount of silver as well.
If anyone has the book I mentioned above and would go to page 57 is shows a picture of this coin.
I cannot find this book anywhere.
Peg Leg

Hi Don,
I do not know if the Librery of Congress would even carry this Spanish book.
The reason I do not post a photo is becasue I already have and the coins are in a Safety Depost box in Texas.
I recovered these coins years ago and was concerned the State would take them so I moved them out of the state.
Sedwick saw a photo and said that there were counterfiet.
I wounder who would counterfiet so many coins that were the same gold content as a regular II Gold excudo?
These coins were minted in Spain.
I sent 2 of these coins to Spain to be checked out and that was a few months ago-have had no response since I sent the coins so I guess they are gone. Spain at its best again.
Thanks anyway.
Peg Leg

Hello Peg Leg:
And I, too, thought they may be counterfeit since it is my understanding that only 1 and 8 escudos came out of Guatemala.
I'm also aware of the Guat. assayers "P" and "M", but they were from the eras of 1772-1784 and 1785-1821 respectively. Never knew of an 'o' over 'D' assayer from there, and would like to know if he existed and, if so, on what denominations.

Ahhh, now I reread your posting and noted the coins were minted in Spain, not Guatemala. That solves one of my problems.
I falsely assumed they were New World coins.

There are photos available from the book I mentioned.
I have a copy of the coins but the size of the scan is very very large and not very clear however it is clear enough to see that it is exactly like the coins that I found.
These coins were not minted outside of Spain.
If the book I mentioned can be located it tells the story and shows a photo of this coin then I would be content but until that time comes I will continue my search.
The mint was Granada Spain.
The assayer oD appears again but in a different location and I understand that this assAYER WAS THE SON OF THE ORGINAL ASSAYER oD who lived in Spain.
Peg Leg

I kind of think I have those rare books. Don, ask me via private mail and I will see if I can help you. I have THOUSANDS of books, unfortunately not indexed so it will be a bit laborious. It was nice buying a couple of rare ones from Dell at the recent tresure expo. Take care friend, Stan

I posted all the information at the very start of this topic.
I am looking for THIS BOOK which contains all the information I am looking for concerning the Gold coin.
My main interest is finding that BOOK and then my search is complete.
I will continue to look for as long as it takes.
The BOOK is out there somewhere.
Peg Leg


Wasn't it the scan I sent you...months ago?
Granada minted 2 escudos?
I will look them up again, but I am almost positive the legend was not visible on any of the coins shown...I will scan the document again...and send it to you.
When I get the time....OK



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