I make my way selling books, so as I was traveling Saturday between towns that had closing bookstores for me to pick the bones of, I passed a church in a town, and it had a big rummage sale sign out front. It was like 3:30-4 o'clock when I stopped. It was a college town, and for some reason I always seem to find current textbooks at rummage sales anyways. I missed a whole box, some how got every box around it, then my girlfriend says did you get these? Nope, but she did. LOL. (we're kinda in competition with each other at times). Anyways I start to leave and see some earrings hanging on a bulletin board by the door. I remembered the treasurenet advice about ALWAYS check out the jewelery boxes. So I did. At first look I could tell most of it was dollar store stuff, but when I looked in this shoe box seen a lot of plastic and chinsy metal, but one piece caught my eye as soon as I looked in. I flipped it over, and it was labeled 14k. I was like "really?" Being as I know not much about these type of things, I didn't what to spend too much, just because I don't really know what I am buying. It was a late afternoon, and probably the second or third day, so I don't see how it was missed if real.I asked how much it was, because it wasn't labeled . Not many were, but the ones that were, were all marked a quarter. They didn't know, asked what one I wanted, I said this one. They said whatever. I said is a quarter good? They said perfect. Pics are crappy, because I used my phone, and not a camera, but hope you can make it out. It's about the size of a 50 cent piece. I think the pearl is real, because it has divets, or maybe a scaly quality, but not bad. But it's not like a perfect smooth surface. Any info or advice you guys can give would be great. Did I score? yay or nay?