RvaDiggn... first let me say you did the smart thing about those objects -- which is, post them for ID-ing instead of discarding them. I could tell you many stories of diggers who've thrown away valuable relics and then (years later) learned the ID and value.
There are many objects which resemble a military fuze ...but aren't. The key clue for telling whether an object like your two large ones is a fuze (or not) is whether the hole through their center is tapered -- or not. Tapered, meaning, one end of the hole is wider than the other end. For example, a typical civil war era timefuze adapter-plug's main hole is .49-inch wide at the front, and .40-inch wide at the rear end.
Also...with only a few very-very rare exceptions, all of the metal-bodied artillery (and grenade, and torpedo) fuzes have "wrench slots" and threading on their exterior, so that the fuze could be screwed very tightly into the shell or grenade or torpedo.
The smallest of your three objects looks like some kind of valve-body ...not a fuze, nor part of one.