Going Nugget Detecting All Summer Long!

Steve Herschbach

Hero Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Golden Thread
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Well, as my article in the latest ICMJ Prospecting & Mining Journal relates my dredging plans are off for the summer. One door closes, others open, and I am hot the path of some excellent metal detecting opportunities in Alaska this summer. I am going to have three main targets. First, sniping bedrock with a detector which is going to get gold no matter what, but the average size will be very small. That will basically to make sure the bills get paid. Then I will put in significant amounts of time hunting tailing piles. This is not Ganes Creek or Moore Creek type stuff, which is exceptional in nature, but run of the mill tailings. That means lots of hours, very low odds of hitting gold on any given day. But the hope is a larger nugget will make the time pay off. Then finally something I have never done in Alaska - hunting virgin ground in hopes of finding a patch of gold. Extreme long odds stuff with low probability of a find, which is why I have not done it in Alaska before. I literally did not have the time! Despite the low odds however it is the type of hunting where results could be newsworthy if a find is made.

The bedrock detecting will be with high frequency VLFs like the Fisher Gold Bug 2 and White's GMT. I will be doing lots of "scrape and detect" and hitting every tiny bit if gold is more important than depth when doing that. The tailing pile detecting will be with either the Fisher F75 SE or Gold Bug Pro which are good at sorting out ferrous from non-ferrous. Tailings are full of junk. I detect about 12 hours a day so these models have ended up being what I prefer hunting tailings simply due to their light weight. Many other units would do as well but add another pound on my arm, and that is a critical factor for me, having experienced arm strain in the past. If the VLFs prove an area of tailings relatively free of trash, I will switch to my Minelab GPX 5000. The blue-sky prospecting in deep ground will be with the GPX 5000 almost exclusively.

Going to be my first real go at it in Alaska for an entire summer with a detector. I will be staying very mobile and may end up all over the state by the end of summer, or parked in one spot if I am doing well. That is one very nice thing about detecting - I can stay very light and very flexible. The entire time, I will be scouting for dredging possibilities for 2014 and beyond.

I am looking forward to it very much. Best of luck to everyone else in their summer plans!

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Good luck Steve ..Find the gold brother!!

Awesome, can't wait to see the results! good luck steve!

Good luck and Big Gold!

Livin' the dream Steve--you're off on a golden odyssey.

All the best, and good gold to you,


Hello Steve... taking early retirement was such a good move to accommodate your prospecting adventures. Having a lot more time to explore / evaluate ideas for working in the field has paid huge dividends for me in recent years.

I doubt there's anyone in this community who is more deserving of continued success. Goodness knows you've helped me and countless others so many times over the years. All the very best with everything this summer. :icon_thumleft:


Sounds like a ton of fun, don't forget to pack the" smoke wagon" with the detectors. Seriously, thanks for all the expertise to my questions....Rob

Sounds like a dream come true!

Have a good time Steve, and remember...no pics means it never happened! 8-)


I was looking forward to dredging poundage from your claims. Detecting is good, but with the ban, I was hoping to see some good underwater work. Best of luck, and will be looking forward to your results...

Gee, thanks everyone. I will be in touch throughout the summer. Lots of photos and video getting shot this summer.

Oakview, I am bummed that I will never know how much gold was in the stretch of creek I had targeted. It sure looked good, but maybe I dodged a bullet also. It was a gamble of sorts, especially on weather, which has been very unfavorable the last couple summers. Good news is I got a hankering to run an 8" dredge so have several places to check out for 2014 in that regard.

Go for it Steve!

I was out in the hills for three months in 2011 and it was a special time and I'm so glad I had the opportunity/time off for the adventure. Best of Success to you.............63bkpkr

Sounds Super Steve! Good luck and don't listen to the people,(You know who they are) that said Metal detectors were toys.
I have read many of your comments and I am glad you are a member of Tnet who is knowledgeable as your self has time to give your feed about things. That is real cool to help shed light on subjects and questions. Good luck and I hope you hit a major Payload/Gold Vein! Have a safe & enjoyable trip friend.

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If you don't mind me asking, was it red tape that put the dredging on the back burner? Look forward to seeing some great finds on tnet or your blog...

No, I don't mind, I literally wrote a story for the ICMJ about getting complacent with a big dose of stupid! Long story (and a sad one it is) short, I lost the claim. Not one to let things slow me down though so already well on the way to making lemonade out of lemons. Got a line on some new claims, state not federal this time as I am feeling a little burned by the feds at the moment. My own fault but what happened can only happen on federal ground. Bad news is 6" operation got set aside. Good news is I decided I was thinking too small so looking for place to park an 8" instead. Some excellent prospects beckon.

Sooooo when are you swinging by to pick me up for this adventure? I'll start packing, lol

Sooooo when are you swinging by to pick me up for this adventure? I'll start packing, lol

Soooooo yah Steve... but forget about this handsome young girl and swing around to get me. I'll be packed and ready too!!! :)


Jim Hemmingway said:
Soooooo yah Steve... but forget about this handsome young girl and swing around to get me. I'll be packed and ready too!!! :)


No fair , I asked first. Lol

Hmmmm...... door number one leads to possible silver detecting in Ontario. Door number two leads to a particularly grizzly death at the hands of my wife. Decisions, decisions!

Hmmmm...... door number one leads to possible silver detecting in Ontario.
Door number two leads to a particularly grizzly death at the hands of my wife. Decisions, decisions!

That's a tough spot to be in, 'eh?

Holly, I know you're a go-getter, but this chap's gonna be working some seriously
tough country, and it's chock-full of critters that place humans in the #2 spot on the
food chain.


I've no doubt you could tough it out, but it's not really the kind of country you
want to take a young lady

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