God save the King of Varieties (and the Queen too I suppose)


Bronze Member
Sep 9, 2016
GTA East, Ontario
Detector(s) used
AT Pro, Fisher F2, ProPointer AT
Hey guys (and you few gals)

It's been awhile since I posted (because I just didn't think I had anything worth posting 🤔). Haven't gotten out as much this year as I would have liked.

Got up at an ungodly hour this morning to hit a simple Soccer field adjacent to what used to be a school but is now being dozed to slap up houses. I think I found a penny or two and then I found my first silver coin (took two years to long).

Within five feet of this I found a couple of weird mud caked coins with one of them being smushed on one end. That's weird I thought. Probably some kids token for an arcade or something. Into the special pocket it went with the silver quarter. I kept detecting for a couple more hours and got a decent haul of coins running the ATP on Pro-Custom with 45-85 notched and iron discrepancy at 40.

I got home and wanted to see what this token was about and started washing them...
Great Caesar's Ghost! Those aren't tokens! They're my first Canadian One Cent coins! 1882 (officially my first) and an 1859 (The King of Varieties). If I had known what was in the hole I'd have snapped a photo this morning.
Happy hunting guys.


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Upvote 13
Congrats on these great finds! I love those 19th century Canadian coins - thanks for sharing yours! :occasion14:

Nice going on the silver and two LCs.
What's the "King of varieties"?

Nice job on your first silver and Vicky large cents! Over the past 8 years I have dug hundreds of silver coins, but only ONE Vicky large cent. Maybe some Vicky silver is in your future!

Well, WOO HOO for YOU!:headbang: Congrats on kicking that Bucket List all over the place.!:occasion18: I'd be going back to this sight and also trying to get in on the ground breaking home sight when they start moving the dirt. Hard telling what you could end up with?!?:dontknow::o:hello2: Great hunt mate. Get back there!:whip2::laughing7:

Those LC are just wonderful. I know its coin sacrilege, but I like the holed one.

Nice job on your first silver and Vicky large cents! ...Maybe some Vicky silver is in your future!

Thanks J. I've watched more than a few of your silvers flash by. I've seen a lot of posts where people talk about how they come out of the ground clean and shiny but until you actually dig one, it's hard to appreciate how true that can be.

Let's hope there's some Vicky silvers in both our futures [emoji6].



Well, WOO HOO for YOU!:headbang: Congrats on kicking that Bucket List all over the place.!:occasion18: I'd be going back to this sight and also trying to get in on the ground breaking home sight when they start moving the dirt.:

Thanks Kurios. I'd be more impressed with myself if I hadn't already started to wash them before I realized what they were. Since I had already started, I figured I might as well finish. I blame the pre-dawn light and mud because I don't want to blame inexperience, lol.

Unfortunately they've already dug out the portion of the field that was school board and put in the streets so that part is lost forever. I'll be back to the town portion constantly leading up to winter. With this construction adjacent, there is no soccer this year so I'm not restricted to sidelines either.


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Apparently there were so many variations in 1859 that they nicknamed this year the "King of Varieties". I don't know. You'd think they would have nicknamed it the "Queen of Varieties" but who am I to judge.

1859 Varieties - The King of Canadian Varieties

Thanks for clarifying that one and it doesn't make any real sense when it comes to "Gender" I'm sure Vickie would have a word or two stating that she's a Queen not a King. :)
Now it's time to go out and dig a /58 :icon_thumleft:

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