Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

Johnny X

Bronze Member
Aug 18, 2005
Jerseyville Illinois
Detector(s) used
White's Spec. XLT..... My Eyes
Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

This is one of over 50 axes we have found on our site all surface finds. it's only about a 3 to 5 acre field. This is definitely the biggest to date. It weighs 12.5 lbs. It is 10.5 inches in length, 6 inches wide and 3.25 inches thick. it's 3/4 groove and it has a plow scar on one side and it looks like it could have been used as some sort of mortar/grinding stone on the other, which is definitely plausible considering the size.
Thanks for the look.


I used the 12 ounce soda can as a size reference..... it's not a SPRITE plug, although the 0 calorie 0 carbs 0 sugar lemon-lime goodness is a fabulous thirst quencher...


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Re: Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

Nice axe!
How would you like to swing that all day?!

That's a lot of axes from a single site, but it's not unheard of.
Ever notice any red ochre deposits on any of them?


Re: Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

Maybe not unheard of by you but it is by me, wow. If I found a site like that I would do everything in my power to buy that field!!! (seriously) I would buy it and excavate the whole thing, build an industrial size sifting machine and sift all the tilled ground and then excavate everything slowly from the end of the plow zone down. Three acres- probably would take me 5-10 years but how cool would that be? Write a book and open a small museum. Sell some of the duplicate type stuff to help finance! (okay, so I day dream a bit)

Re: Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

Yea 50 plus, not counting the badly broken ones. All of the finds are between me, my uncle, my grandfather and my little brother. All are surface finds and they have all been made in the last 7-8 years. I'm 22 years old and i've been hunting that field for about 7 years. I have 21 whole or lightly scarred axes. Over 350 good points, 8 large grinding bowls, a shoe box full of pottery, 2 celts, a dozen or so nice drills, I found 2 nice caches of adena blades, one containing 13 and one containing 15. I have about 80 of those adena blades in all but those were the ones I found in the same spots. They were buried about 1/2 inch apart. Rockhunter- I have found large chunks of the red ochre all of the area as well as a lot of Hematite. Between us all we have probably found around 700 whole points. This is just in the plowed parts, not counting the wooded area around it. I think we're sitting on a pretty nice site. Not to mention the Koster site is within a 30 mile radius from our site.
Let me know what you think.


Re: Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

Johnny X said:
Yea 50 plus, not counting the badly broken ones. All of the finds are between me, my uncle, my grandfather and my little brother. All are surface finds and they have all been made in the last 7-8 years. I'm 22 years old and i've been hunting that field for about 7 years. I have 21 whole or lightly scarred axes. Over 350 good points, 8 large grinding bowls, a shoe box full of pottery, 2 celts, a dozen or so nice drills, I found 2 nice caches of adena blades, one containing 13 and one containing 15. I have about 80 of those adena blades in all but those were the ones I found in the same spots. They were buried about 1/2 inch apart. Rockhunter- I have found large chunks of the red ochre all of the area as well as a lot of Hematite. Between us all we have probably found around 700 whole points. This is just in the plowed parts, not counting the wooded area around it. I think we're sitting on a pretty nice site. Not to mention the Koster site is within a 30 mile radius from our site.
Let me know what you think.

I think you are sitting on a very important archeological site!

Large grinding bowls are a tough find in Ohio, along with large exceptional masterpiece axes like the one you have posted above. Both of these artifacts have been found in burial association here, particularly when found with red ochre.
Large Adena caches are usually not burial associated here, but small caches (20 blades or less) have been found with Adena burials.

You should try to keep good records of your finds (if you aren't already) and have them published in the Ohio Archeologist Quarterly. I'm good friends and also work for the editor of the mag. and he and many others would love to see the finds published. Even if it just involved some pics and a few lines about the site.

If sometime you would like to do a story just say the word and I'll set you up.



Re: Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

You think you're sitting on a pretty nice site? I think you're sitting on a once in a hundred lifetimes site. Seriously buy it! Then you could charge me a fee for the privelage to come down there some weekend and hunt it with you. I've been looking for artifacts for many years now and found one broken celt and no axes, lots of points and knives, but no axes.. I'm feeling ill... I want to hunt a site like that just once!!!!!!!! You are lucky and glad you shared with us- would LOVE to see some more pics.

Re: Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

My family already owns the site. So it's pretty secure. I only have internet access at my parents house. So i'll have to hit you boys up in a few days.
thanks for all of the good posts, I'll keep you guys posted in a bit. Cannonman, I'd like to get into your pottery reconstruction!


Re: Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

Really nice axe and an exciting sounding site. If you will take a word of advice from a stranger here it is. DO NOT tell anyone about your site, where it is or even which county you live in.
Many persons you trust will get excited and tell others out of enthusiasim. Next thing you will have strangers sneaking on your property and causing all kinds of trouble. Do as advised and keep meticulous records and pictures. These can be brought to an archeologist along with the artifacts. He can record the information for future research.
I'm from Ohio just south of Columbus along the Scioto River. I have found hundreds of artifacts but when young told some friends of a mound I found in a field. I even showed it to a few on a rabbit hunt that winter.
Someone heard about it and within a year everything was gone. It was a field overgrown with 10-20 foot tall scraggly trees where a farmer had not cleared it in years. On a rise high above and in from the river. Couldn't see it unless you were like me, a kid sniffing around.
I was trying to find out who owned it to ask them to let me look around and maybe have the mound checked out by the Historical Society. It's gone and who knows where. Keep those nice pics coming and keep good records.

Re: Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

I hear you there, We have already had trespassers in the field. It's pretty heartbreaking after you wait for a good rain and you go up there and all you find is someone else's footprints. I need to start keeping better records which i plan to do. But until i get back up there i'll keep posting some pics.

Thanks for the post and the advice.


Re: Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

Johnny X, you need a probe rod and a shovel and a bug sifter and lots of time. With that many axes, points, pottery shards etc, maybe some burials there. Can you post a picture of someof the shards you have found. That would help date the site also. Great finds...d2

Re: Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

Great find and fantastic site!! I agree it looks as if you have a major site there. Work it right and there is no telling what you might come up with.

Re: Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

It took me awhile to find this link. I saw it over a year ago on Son Andersons site. I have read it a couple of times and it is pretty interesting. When I first saw your BIG AXE pic I remembered reading this stuff so thought others might like it. I really don't have much to say abut it as I haven't had time to do any research. It will be nice to see if any here have heard of stuff like this?

Re: Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

"Axe" me about this site. Your a funny one. Nice job ahead of you. enjoy.


Re: Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

WOW.That is a amazing find.Congrats :o

Re: Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

Very nice! Hope for more finds and pictures!

Re: Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

Thanks for the posts guys!!!!!!

keep your eyes on the ground


Re: Go ahead, "axe" me about this one.

Awesome Axe, & I love my Sprite too, ;D


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