Gifting? A question to Moderators...


Bronze Member
Nov 5, 2013
Cincinnati Ohio
Detector(s) used
XP Deus, Garrett ProPointer
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hello all, especially Moderators.
A friend/patron of TNet, has recently experienced a theft. This theft occurred while christo000 was helping another. A second friend/patron of TNet, SoCalBeachScanner, stepped up and started a second thread to help christo! SoCal's thread has been "closed" by jeff of pa? Also, "liked" by Treasure_Hunter? Obviously both are Moderators?
This is terrible! C'mon Mods! It's time to give.
Please re-open thread. I will be the first to gift christo.
I do understand TNets policy, yet , SoCals thread being closed is egregious!
Happy Holidays, Happy Detecting and Good Luck. Peace

Why if it was stolen from a car, they can turn it into there auto insurance and will pay them back for what was stolen.

I could Write a book on all the reasons.

Put simply, we would like nothing more then to help people in Distress,
but I saw it somewhere else. they had a whole Form specifically for sob stories
and Donations to them.

& most likely most were exaggerated or completely False.

We don't allow accusations
or anyone to use the words "Prove It"

how can we allow the start of such a thing here ?

again. We Respect our members & they certainly have a right to Vent over bad times.

We respect our Members & they Certainly have a right to help other members.

But We won't allow it on the open forum because of the Many possibilities
and Problems that can crop up.

We will allow Members doing things by PM & Email but if something goes Sour,
We don't want complaints or accusations of members.

If a dealer wishes to set something up and do it through their website,
taking all Responsibility, that is OK too.

as for liking a members or Mods post, I Don't tell yous
whos posts to like or agree with.

Do not Tell us !

Hello all, especially Moderators.
A friend/patron of TNet, has recently experienced a theft. This theft occurred while christo000 was helping another. A second friend/patron of TNet, SoCalBeachScanner, stepped up and started a second thread to help christo! SoCal's thread has been "closed" by jeff of pa? Also, "liked" by Treasure_Hunter? Obviously both are Moderators?
This is terrible! C'mon Mods! It's time to give.
Please re-open thread. I will be the first to gift christo.
I do understand TNets policy, yet , SoCals thread being closed is egregious!
Happy Holidays, Happy Detecting and Good Luck. Peace

First my liking was not about the thread, it was not because he was trying to raise funds, it was because he cared...

2nd, as we stated it violates our rules, if we made an exception for one request we would have to make an exception for every request, on top of which there is no way to know which requests were legitimate...

Jeff and I both agreed before either of us posted that thread violated our rules and needed to be locked. Mods do communicate behind the scenes, both by pm and by phones.

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Thanks Moderators for your responses. They are fair and informative. Peace

I'm not sure if a liability only policy covers theft?

no it doesn't.

I have Liability only & last time I was in an accident
my insurance wasn't even interested.

so theft would make them laugh also

Thanks for clarifying jeff of pa. I didn't think so. A liability policy usually is a "bare minimum" policy and will only cover loss to others. Theft/damage to owner cost, is on owner. Basically, a liability policy keeps owner of said policy, legal to drive in most states at a minimum fee.

Last time I had a car broken into home owners covered the property

Home owners insurance is what you want, there is even homeowners for renters as well. It is very cheap and covers theft in your car as well. I carry it with full replacement value....

We will NOT go quietly into the night!

Thanks Treasure_Hunter! I enquired today and my ins co does indeed cover auto theft? Peace

Thanks Treasure_Hunter! I enquired today and my ins co does indeed cover auto theft? Peace

Glad to hear....

We will NOT go quietly into the night!

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