Gold Member
I have lived in this home since 2008. We have heard many foot steps in the home. We have had small things thrown through the air. I have heard a music box playing at 2 am in the morning before. I thought it was just my home till the neighbors started coming forward and admitting the same things in their homes were happening. Some say their TV shuts on and off. I just had the TV service come out to my home the week before to find out what was wrong with mine. It didnt even cross my mind till I heard others having the same problem. So many different things have happened over the past few yrs here but I usually try to ignore it. My question is did soldiers have music boxes or watches that played music? This is a know battle field that I live on I have found out. Its the whole neighborhood not just me. What do you feel could be solved to make the ghost or ghosts go away? The war between the north and south was here is what I was told and where I am living there was some fighting that took place. Im just wondering if anyone else has or have the same problem?