Georgia Gold


Jr. Member
Nov 26, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I have a gold quartz sample I think. It signals gold on my metal detector. The gold looking part is not magnetic. I put some 22 k test nitric acid on it and it is still there. It could be mica but I think its gold. I am in the Piedmont of Georgia south of Dahlonega. image.jpg

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Yeah, we need a picture.

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It's not that good of a picture to be able to ID it as gold or not, but from what I do see it doesn't appear to be gold, more and better pictures may help.

How old is your test acid, it does go bad after a while?

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The nitric acid is fine. It dissolved a 10k gold test streak immediately and left a streak from another sample, not the one pictured here, undisturbed.

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The picture is fuzzy, and your hand is covering part of the rock. Would it be possible to get several shots, just the rock, different angles with a sharper focus? Right now the photo doesn't look like gold. Did you put nitric acid on the rock, or do a streak test?

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thanks for your reply. My pics aren't going to be any more clear with my phone. The nitric acid leaves the metal or gold or whatever intact, it does not dissolve it with a 22 k test. The mica around here looks different than this and mica is found in conjunction with gold in this part of Georgia.

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If the acid isn't touching it, then I'd say it's a pretty good chance it's gold, but I'm not an expert, I'd just be plenty encouraged, and willing to do more to make sure.

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If you have a scanner/printer hooked up to your computer you can usually get a great image scanning an object, which will be much better than your phone.

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Hi everybody,
Thanks for your replies. I tested the rock
with my mpx pro metal detector which had
A gold setting. It does signal for gold but I believe
it is very small gold within the rock.
I also found out that nitric acid will not dissolve
Mica. I think you are right about the exterior
Being mica.

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Gold in Georgia is usually above 20K.. Take it out in the sun, look at it and then shade it with your hand.. If it remains the same color, it is gold .. If it turns dark it's not..

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Hi everybody,
Thanks for your replies. I tested the rock
with my mpx pro metal detector which had
A gold setting. It does signal for gold but I believe
it is very small gold within the rock.
I also found out that nitric acid will not dissolve
Mica. I think you are right about the exterior
Being mica.

crack it open with a hammer maybe the gold is inside of it.

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With all the rain the area lately the rivers and creeks are running crazy with silt Should be washing a lot of stuff loose

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With all the rain the area lately the rivers and creeks are running crazy with silt Should be washing a lot of stuff loose

You got that rite. I went yesterday just to watch the creek current and look for the areas that had been washed. At least most of the leaves have been washed away. Should be easy to find something when the water goes down, HH rock

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