George Washington Funeral Token


Apr 17, 2017
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Golden Thread
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
coin front.webp
coin back.webp

Let me start off by saying hello everybody. Newbie but followed the board for the last few years. Finally I found something I needed some help with. I hunt with an AT PRO. I hit a spot last night that I have hit before (maybe 3-4 times)...goes to show you, always worth a second or third hunt...! Anyways, I pulled between a 75-76,77, 78 in the ID range. A little bouncy but I liked the sound. I dug up what appears to be a George Washington Funeral Token. The pictures I am sharing with you are crappy but the best I could do. Even under a good light and magnify glass I have a hard time making it out. It Definitely is some kind of GWFT but beyond that and what I have googled..I have little to go on, it's old and worn. A lot of questions and few answers. I have not done any "real" cleaning per say. Thought I would toss it out to all you pros out there for you opinion. Before I toss in my box of treasures...seeing if anybody has found one.
By the way...I live in the MI's Upper Peninsula

It looks a little different from the ones I have seen. It is usually an urn on the back ?

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right...I know...the thing is the front looks just like what I have seen..the back on the other hand...has me stumped.

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1st - I noticed this was your very first post Ansel - so, Welcome Aboard! You didn't list your state (or country) in your profile. So, you might consider jumping over to Sub-Forums: Select Your Area.... and selecting location information (i.e., clubs, hunts, finds, legends, maps, etc.) directly related to your state (or country).
2nd - I moved this request from Today's Finds! over to Our Discoveries > What Is It? for more exposure.

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What about cleaning it with a dry brush and a toothpick. Maybe getting some crud off will help with the mystery?

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