Gen John H, Morgens Camp!


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Sep 10, 2004
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Gen John H, Morgen's Camp!

Belmont Co. Ohio I was talking to a fellow a while back and he told me some family history. That during the civil war a leed man for Morgen stopped by the John Woods farm in Belmont Co. and asked if Morgan could camp on his farm by the creek? That they wouldn't harm anything on his place if they could. That Morgan would be there the next night, and they were.
They camped on John and May Woods Farm, along Buckeye Run and Hollow. John told them not to leave a mess, and when he went to check the next day everything was neat and clean.
I don't know if this will be of help to you Morgen researchers, but it may.

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Re: Gen John H, Morgen's Camp!

Don't you wish you could run across this info evereyday.....Wish I lived nearby as well!!!When you come up with some info on Camp's at Antietam let me know!!Sound's like the Wood's farm could be a great place to huntHH!!

Re: Gen John H, Morgen's Camp!

I find this very interesting! I don't think Morgan wanted anyone to know where he was camping. Don't think he was an ask permission kind of guy either! Matter of fact, there wasn't much asking at all during the Civil War...troops pretty much did what they wanted.

Maybe this account was before Morgan turned Hellion?!

Re: Gen John H, Morgen's Camp!

1320, I'm sure your right that Morgen wouldn't want anyone to know where he was to came, Likely he didn't know at the time himself?
However this being 1863, There were southern sympathizers as well as K.G.C. in Ohio. History tells of some K.G.C. meeting places in the southern part of Ohio.
I believe it was some of this group that came to John Woods and set things up, then led Morgen there later? The fellow who told me the story was a cousin to Clark Gable, the movie star. Not that that really means anything. But they were related in some way. And this story was handed down in the family. Beyond that I can't say I wasn't there!
I do know were one other camp site was located in Hocking Co., Oh. Morgens men weren't yet to Nelsonsville and expected to likely have a fight there. So at night camp the night before there was a kettle buried up a hollow before they left that morning. Said to have coin in it!
My wife's G-Grandfather owned this farm in 1910 when an old confederate soldier came by and said he was with Morgan and one of the men that buried a pot there and wanted to recover it. Permission was given and he looked for several days, but was unable to find it. This has also been handed down through the family. I haven't given this a serious search.

Re: Gen John H, Morgen's Camp!

Whether Morgen wanted people to know where he camped or not, a large group of men cannot move through the country without being seen or leaving signs behind.

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