Well vote compadre. I'd vote compadre over the Ace350 I just sold.
Now the newer ace machines seem to be faster and more responsive as far as separation, but my ace350 and I didn't get along. If I cant put two quarters 4" apart and get 2 tones out of it when swinging over them one after the other, then I have no use for the machine. My compadres can hit each coin that are practically on top of each other, the disc unit allows me to beep on a coin with foil on top of it when I disc out foil.
Don't want to anger anyone but I'd take my compadre over almost any machine (besides another Tesoro maybe) up to about the $300 range. Above that the makers allowed some features and qualities to make it enjoyable.
But in conclusion, compadre all the way.
Not to mention it will hit small gold that no other machines I've seen can without costing $1500.
I love my compadres and even though I run my Nokta relic and soon racer 2, I love taking them out for their unbelievable separation, discrimination circuit, and simplicity. I'll never get rid of them.
I am partial to Tesoro if you see my list to the left
But swing one and youll see why I hope.