Free WMA December Newsletter Posted on the website

No comments, yet eh? ..... well here is something else to chew on- after reading the newsletter, be sure to download the document from the Department of Interior (just to make sure that WMA didn't say something that wasn't so) and then go to the Sierra Fund "Reclaiming the Sierra" webpage: and download the Conference agenda document. Make sure to read the third bullet point on the second page. I won't give it away, but it seems to me that document completes the story. The bread crumbs make a pretty big and wide trail.

Great investigative reporting on Dr. Charles Alpers. Caught with there hands in the cookie jar, and yet the powers that be ignore the facts. That is what they do best. Great article by Fullpan, hardhitting is a understatement, and Hoser give us a look see into the days of old, when miners were bold. Nice tribute to Jerry Hobbs, very painful that he did not get to see the conclusion of this clusterf#%@ by the state. I would urge all to pass the article on Alpers far and wide, blog, facebook, local tv and radio, to show the real face of these green facist groups.

WMA December 2014 Newsletter

Best newsletter yet RIck, Kudos to the group! It's good to see WMA go on the attack, hope it starts an avalanche and others join in. I think Richard just wrote the new go to article for debunking the Mercury fraud, hope it gets to the general public and gains the traction it deserves. Send copies to your political officials - sheriffs, board of supervisors, DA's, congressman, etc. in your area, CC all so they are more inclined to read it.

Fraud is main stock of trade to the environutz/tree hugger/wackos. Don't forget the great story by Bill Southern also,great fellow miner for sure. Fantastic job by the editor for sure(senior moment forgot his name hahaha)sooo old-:dontknow:-John


What a great read, nicely done!

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