I found this old box at an estate sale. It was being used as a tool box. I just thought it is interesting because it has dates and historical information on it.
There's some information about Joseph S. Finch and Co. in Pennsylvania online. This page has a history of Pennsylvania distilleries and Finch is mentioned in the 5th-to-the-last paragraph. Quite interesting, and cool box.
Ethanol was distilled for non-drinking purposes - medical, industrial, etc and was not then nor today subject to the same taxes as spirits for consumption. However, it was sometimes used for drinks anyway, for the cost-savings. Much as "off-road" diesel is today. Confession: I once used some "excess" ethanol used for dehydrating samples, to spike the punch at a grad school Halloween bash...(I don't recommend this unless you are 100% sure there is no additive that makes the ethanol undrinkable).