Found this coin a while ago. One coin day but it sure was one of my best finds


Jr. Member
May 8, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
DSCF0507.JPGAlways wanted to find a French coin .DSCF0506.JPG I wasn't sure what I had until I got it home .I cant get a date but im sure it is LouisXIV 1 sol. See Crause book pg 171 578.9 or 578.1 I don't want to take a chance cleaning it .HH all

Upvote 2
very nice find!!

Hey HH (now that I know who you are) That is a great find. Really as the french coins just don't show up.
CONGRATS my very good friend. Awesome in my books.

Of course you have a few finds in that catagory.

Thanks Rick I haven't been det much this year .Found a couple gold rings water det .I tried hard to see the date on the coin but I don't want to take a chance cleaning it any more .It is in the 17hds for sure .Take care all the best sent your way.

Thanks Rick I haven't been det much this year .Found a couple gold rings water det .I tried hard to see the date on the coin but I don't want to take a chance cleaning it any more .It is in the 17hds for sure .Take care all the best sent your way.

Those sols were only minted in the early 1790s if memory serves me correctly , pretty good find, I've only dug a couple of those bad boys myself

Thanks Iron Horse If my memory serves me right your from the island Good hunting..HH

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