I found it while hiking in the jungles on Guam. I'm not sure what kind of bottle it is. Can anyone here give me any info on it? Its the first one like it I have seen so far. I usually find soda bottles from around WW2. The only marking on the bottle is on the bottom.
How far up does the seam go? I go off that to date mine, the newer the bottle, the farther up it goes...probably not 100% accurate but close enough. I read somewhere that if the seam stops at the base of the neck its pre-1900 but who knows...either way, super cool aqua colors and a killer bottle
Good luck, grant
Dating it would be the first thing I would think, which is by the bottle base. Try this link, go down tot the "s"'s. I cannot make it out well on line looks like an S with a circle around it. Is it embossed? http://www.myinsulators.com/glass-factories/bottlemarks3.html
Your bottle is probably a Japanese beer bottle. Check out this site. It is by a guy in the Coast Guard who is currently stationed in Guam and knows quite a bit about the bottles found there. I have communicated with him several times regarding Wartime Coca Cola bottles and he is very helpful. I haven't read through his website lately, but I believe there are several bottles like yours mentioned and pictured.