Hello I'm new to the forum but have been looking around here for over a month, so Hey! I just started crhing about a month ago after reading peoples finds on this forum and its been pretty rough so far but I'll share this story. The first week of doing this I picked up $180 of cwrolls at one of the local banks. I found 3 40% kennedys, but I also found 40-45 S Proofs ranging in dates from 1971 to 2007 almost all in UC condition. At the time I did not really know what proofs were but I knew these coins were different because I noticed the S and the profile looked so much better and was very white looking. So I looked up some of the coins on the internet and saw what they were, I got real excited and understood that this was an unusual find. Actually one of the rolls was all Proofs all 20 of them. Most of the proofs were so nice that when I found 6-7 beat up proofs i just threw them back in with the rest of the trash. ( I dont know why I did that sry) The other cool thing that I did not realize at the time was that 80-90% of those $180 worth of rolls were all NIFC 2002 and later, which I picked out the best of those and threw about 40-50 back into the trash pile) lol sry again. I did not know they were nifc at the time. I did keep alot of good stuff out of that first batch of rolls I bought though and I've learned alot since then about all Kennedy's, mintage numbers, errors, etc. Since then I've searched almost 18K of boxes and cwr and only found about 10 proofs. So that was a great proof find I think, just wish I could have better luck with silver coins. Out of the 18K worth I've netted 2 64's 1 Ben and about 9 40%'s, and 1 74 DDO. Alot of competition here so cwr's have been really bad except that first time, when I got somebody who turned in daddys coins and took all the silver but left the proofs and nifc's. Hope you enjoyed that story
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