My son and I found these on a walk near some pastures/farm land over the weekend. They are hard, smooth, not magnetic, and heavy. Guesses have been rocks from mill grinders, bovine stomach stones, antique marbles, musket balls, etc. I'm hoping to figure out what they are...
Thank you for the reply...I thought maybe so on the stomach stones, but from what I have found searching for pictures none are the round shape like these. I've also looked up ball mills that grind up grain and such, but haven't found pics that look like these. I'm going to try to get them weighed in the next day or so to get a little more information that might be helpful.
If they feel "unusually" heavy for their size, my vote is ball mill media. I have several that I found with some steel ones all in crushed concrete. Figure the clay version must have got mixed in some way.
I'll vote with SkySgt on them being milling balls. If they were marbles they'd be shooters, and if shooters they'd probably be painted. Plus being heavy, you'd think by now they'd have settled in the ground or been picked up already.