Bard Gauden
Jr. Member
Hi everyone.
Yesterday i found this little toy cannon. Total length is 64mm and inside diameter is about 4mm. Looks like it is made of copper. at the back there is a little hole for the fuse.
Anyone know how old this could be? Can it be valuable?
Even though this is found in Norway, i guess these things were made and was popular at the same times both in Europe and America.
-Bard Gauden
Yesterday i found this little toy cannon. Total length is 64mm and inside diameter is about 4mm. Looks like it is made of copper. at the back there is a little hole for the fuse.
Anyone know how old this could be? Can it be valuable?
Even though this is found in Norway, i guess these things were made and was popular at the same times both in Europe and America.
-Bard Gauden