I found this close to where I live in the mountains. It weighs a few pounds. I know it is aquamarine, but I have no idea what it might be worth. Anyone have any idea?
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If the stone is in fact Aquamarine, it is likely not worth a whole lot as it appears impure and is likely internally fractured and mottled. Some collectors may pay a few dollars for it but like a lot of my' Aquamarine specimens, they are worth more to me as I found them and I would imagine that feel the same about your' find. It is likely the lighting that the pic was taken in but the specimen actually has the appearance of some Soapstone specimens I have seen. What state was your' specimen found? I found my' Aquamarine at the Ray Mica Mine just outside of Burnsville, NC.
This does not look like any aquamarine that I have found, and in this shape/quantity, that seems unlikely.
There are obvious sawcut marks, did you did this? As Huntsman stated, this does look like soapstone, but images are not reliable. Do you have specific gravity calcs?
Aquamarine is valuable in crystal form, and little else...