Seen several Copperheads this Summer here in TN but not one Rattler. Stay in the woods a lot and have never has a phobia about snakes but don't want bit either. The copperheads often do not even require antivenom.The Timber Rattler whole different story. Glad we don't have the diamondbacks. VERY few snake bites are actually caused by stepping on or near a snake ( per TWRA ). The main cause is people messing with them instead of just giving them room and moving on. Will really be glad when the ticks, chiggers, and mosquitoes go in and give us a break. Happy hunting
Id have shat my pants for sure,I hate snakes with a passion,Its puzzling how something with no limbs can move quicker than a human. Be careful out there!
If they don't bother me I try not to bother them. As for fitting in my pouch these guys are only about 12-18" long very hard to see. I like the diamond back or what we have a lot of the velvet tail rattler. They at least get 5-8' and make a lot of noise timber rattlers don't
This has been a banner year for Copperheads here in the mid-Atlantic states. Even the local small town newspaper pointed the sightings out. I've seen eight different ones this year alone. Don't think I've seen eight in my life time. Seems every gold prospector around here has a Copperhead story. I don't kill snakes. Not even the 3 Black Snakes I've found in my house over the past 36 years. Just take them down the road, past one river and three creeks and release them. Don't believe they can find their way back to my house.
Stepped over a 38" copperhead in the garden a couple of months ago. I have pics of it somewhere but it was as big as many rattlesnakes. You would not believe how sharp the fangs were. A national park ranger told me it was probably a male and if it had been a female it, most likely, would have bit me instantly.
A local guy cleaned the lot off that had his mom's house upon it. This lot had grown up into weeds and brush. He wore cowboy boots while working and, over the course of the summer, got bit three times by copperheads. On every single occasion the snakes bit him above the boots. The first two didn't give him a whole lot of trouble but the third one nearly done him in. The doctors thought they might have to amputate his leg. He had a BAD time.
Everyone needs to be extra careful....and don't forget.....dead snakes can kill you the same as live ones. They all can give us heart attacks!!! Run!!! Kill those things!!!!