Found a 180? Half Cent today


Jul 25, 2020
Branchville Nj
Detector(s) used
Garrett Ace 400
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Found this half cent today. Was able to make out a little of the date b4 I rubbed with my thumb. Any tips for cleaning would be much appreciated

Upvote 16
Looks very much to me like an 1804 and also the "spiked chin" variety, very nice, congrats!!!!……..and I would not touch it at all, you would lose detail and I think it looks fantastic as it is! Congrats!:icon_thumleft:

HH all!


Good Looking coin! :occasion14: I would leave it alone. :icon_thumleft:

Very nice find. I have only found one Half Cent, and it was also an 1804.

Very pretty! all ive ever gotten is toast,toast and more toast

Lovely old coin. I would do nothing to it...what ever you do, don't soak it in oil..... Congrats!!!

Warm up some hydrogen peroxide in a microwave and dab it with a few q-tips to clean off any residual dirt. There's a great product called Verdi-Care which you can use to hydrate these coins and make them present better. Drop me am PM--if you're out my way I can give you some.

Thats still on my bucket list nice job on a cool coin

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